RussSchultz said:
Well, somebody pissed in your cheerios, now didn't they? I'm glad you're open to such reasoned debate, dear T2k.
It would be good if you would take off your imperial glasses, fella: US is only ONE fuckin country oin this planet and US' laws doesn't worth a flying sh*t outside of US.
It would be good to take off your twit glasses, as signators of the Bern convention are bound to respect international copyright laws.
LOL, that was my point, fella:
they do respect the international laws. If they wouldn't, the int'l assoc would have been expelled them.
Feel free to read on the subject, dear Russ.
There is no such thing that a foreign company illegal by US laws - it's NONSENSE, dear RUss
If its doing business in the US, it sure as hell is.
Since when Moscow located in US soil?
No, it's NOT doing ANY business here.
Tell me, little one (do you like those patronizing terms of endearment? I didn't think so),when AllofMp3 "sells" a track to me in the US, do they sell it in Russia? Or in the buying country? Or in any country in between?
Tehy SELL it in Russia, over the internet.
You know, my ignorant fella,
the internet is NOT US TERRITORY.
I know it's hard to imagine for such blind peeps like you but yes, there is life out there, outside of US and internet is NOT US.
The ROM is a member of the international association and legally represents Russia and all the artists in Russia.
Next, stop referring to ROMS as an "international backed system". The RIAA is a ton more internationally backed than the "
russian organization for multimedia and digital systems." Matter of fact, then only time you seem ROMS mentioned in in a discussion over AllofMp3.
Well, you apparently don't even know WTF are you tlaking about...
Allofmp3 pays these royalties for ROM in Russia - which sends this to the artists.
How the hell can they sell the Beatles, and be legitimate? Apple Music hasn't sold the online distribution rights to anyone--anywhere.
If you want, you can find how the int'l rights management work, little Russ.
Do your homework, I'm not going to do that instead of you.
Furthermore, I've seen more than one post by artists who's material is "for sale" on AllofMp3, who hasn't signed over their copyright authorization to anybody in Russia, nor is receiving any monies from the "sales"--meaning AllofMp3 is violating their copyright.
OK, now I undertsand: you don't know sht about how is this whole stuff works around the globe.
DO you think if Beatles sold legally in Equatorial Guinea, that means they signed an authorization for that partical country?
LOL, you don't know too much about these things, right, Russ? Any US music shop sells 'not for resale' stamped material. It's NOT illegal. It's NOT a crime. You are WRONG.
It's so funny to see somebody so pompous be so wrong. The copyright holder retains control over his/her own work. If it is released "not for resale", then it plainly is "not for resale", and doing such is infringing on the holder's copyright.
You are completely clueless, RUss. Go and talk to somebody who works for some bigger label, publisher. Stop being a clown here.
It's a typical example of our "common stupidity" in the US: it exists almost everywhere,: peeps like you think the only legal way to do anything is the US way.
No, you dipshit, it's international law. The Bern Convention on copyright is the overriding law on all of this. And strangely, Russia is a signator. As is the US, and just about every other nation out there.
Blablabla. BTW I noticed no answer on my note about how retarded peeps cannot imagine that business and way of life can be conducted other than US-like way...
I wonder why you can't say anything about that... LOL.
Ignorant, arrogant, national stupidity. Classic example.
Ignorant, arrogant, personal stupidity. Classic example.
Plus, it seems to me you have a little bit of penis envy going on with your constant harping on the US only being one country in the world.
Penis envy? ABout what?
I just hate the idiots who think the only way is regulate everybody to the face of this country. I'm actually disgusted by these peeps.
Instead of spreading your completely false BS, it'd be better if you would take yourself to the nearest library and start reading on relative laws.
I suggest the same for you. Read the Bern Convention, for starters. It might be a bit of an eye opener. Unless, of course, you would like to assert that Russian copyright laws trump the world's. But that would be ignorant, arrogant, national stupidity, now wouldn't it?
LIsten, as I said: I have nobody here to argue with. You obviously suffers from the classic narrow minded thinking, so I suggest you think about one question: why nobody, NOBODY sued them? Why even the int'l ass says there's no reason to sue them, no legal base?
Perhaps, being a lawyer of this int'l assoc, he knows a little bit more about these things than you do, dear little Russ.
And please, can it with the patronizing "dear such and such". Little man.
TIme by time I'm amazed how typical person you're here, in America, for a lot of average, narrow minded people. And every time I feel sorry for you and I feel happy myself that your type is fortunately is the minority here.
People like you - 'a Russian company is illegal by US laws! Stop it!' ROTFL... - dosn't really spark anything, and as the life proves it every day, your type is still minority.
PS: A thought for chewing after you answered my last question: a friend told me you cna start an mp3-selling company with buying all the CDs and they'll become the asset of the company. After this you start selling your 'shares' for people who, becoming a shareholder, entitled to use the company's asset...
You see, dear Russ, it's not that easy. Despite the fact we got this ridiculous DCMA etc we still have good chances to eliminate the unnecessary predators from the food chain, the publishers, these MPAA's Jack Valenti-like infestant worms, parasites, who wanted to stop the VHS/home video back then, now the DVDs, everything. Die, die die, all of them. Go and learn something other than how to screw your artists as well as your customer, that's my message for all these bloodsuckers.
PS2: a little help, RUss. What you don't get is that there are outrageous lies and there are reality, corruption and backdoor deals and monopolies at RIAA. And I hate them. All of them. Anytime an artist releases mp3s in his own publishing, I always buy them. You know why? Because that way I may prove them there is a way without feeding those parasites.