Overheard in New York


This is a rather hysterical site.


Some juicy ones:

There's No One-Lunatic-Per-Car Quota

* A white guy in a suit hangs from the center bar upside-down on a crowded train for about five stops.

Hobo: And you all think I'm crazy.

--6 train

Overheard by: paulybrklynny

Ground Zero IQ

Tourist wife: What's that area? I haven't seen any space yet!
Tourist husband: Maybe it's a park.
Construction worker: It's the World fucking Trade Center! Give it a rest!

--Church Street

Overheard by: Emily Davidson

It Would Explain Why Her Hands Keep Shaking

Crazy lady: Excuse me. Listen, you got some of that witchcraft put on you.
Old lady: Uh huh, yeah.
Crazy lady: You gotta get that lifted, or those spirits, you know, they be comin' at you, they be on you.
Old lady: Yes.
Crazy lady: All right, take care.

--M86 bus

When We Just Tag Her as "Girl", Hobos Get Confused

A hobo picked out two girls on line and started insulting them. When the police came to get him he started again.

Hobo: See this is what the White Man does! They've gotta protect these little Jewish girls from Long Island, don't give a shit about proud Black men like me.
Girl: I'm Puerto Rican and from Brooklyn.

He attempts to high five her as the cops escort him away.

Hobo: Right on, sister!

--19th & Broadway

Wednesday One-liners Hate Those Big Corporations

Teenage girl shaking her fist: Fuck you Duane Reade! Gah!

--76th & Broadway

:LOL: Only in NY :LOL:
Not funny.

I have better jokes.

What do you call 2 gay Irishmen?

Patrick Fitzwilliam and William Fitzpatrick. :LOL:
Natoma said:
It Would Explain Why Her Hands Keep Shaking

Crazy lady: Excuse me. Listen, you got some of that witchcraft put on you.
Old lady: Uh huh, yeah.
Crazy lady: You gotta get that lifted, or those spirits, you know, they be comin' at you, they be on you.
Old lady: Yes.
Crazy lady: All right, take care.

--M86 bus
