You're a funny guy. While I'm uncertain of property laws regarding legal minors (wether a parent could demand to use a child's car for example), common sense and decency dictates no parent has the right to verbally abuse their children like that woman did. Ever.Powderkeg said:At 16 years old, his mom doesn't have to "ask nicely." She can demand, and he should obey.
Well, you know what they say... If a person can't be loved, at least they can be respected. If they can't be respected, at least they can be feared... Fear's what this mother's resorting to.If he doesn't, then she's probably a bad mother because she raised a snot nosed little brat who thinks he actually has some semblence of authority at 16 years old.
And also: you can't ever DEMAND to be shown respect. It has to be earned, even if you are a parent.
Any parent speaking to their kid like that ought to have their ass slapped in jail.