OUCH! Glad I don't have parents like this.

Didn't listen to the whole thing (got too depressing after about a third), but DAMN, that woman sounds like she needs to be committed.
Guden Oden said:
Didn't listen to the whole thing (got too depressing after about a third), but DAMN, that woman sounds like she needs to be committed.

I believe her problem is lack of sex or weed... ;)
I don't think I've ever heard anyone as high-strung as that. I'm suprised her heart didn't explode on the spot! :oops:

Listening to her kinda reminded me of Reagan in the Exorcist though...
The kid is being a dick regardless of his crazy mom, he knows what to say to piss her off etc.
radeonic2 said:
The kid is being a dick regardless of his crazy mom, he knows what to say to piss her off etc.
Yep, im taking the mom's side. Im sure this kid has been pushing her buttons for a long time to get her like this. I hope she kicks his ass out soon.

epicstruggle said:
radeonic2 said:
The kid is being a dick regardless of his crazy mom, he knows what to say to piss her off etc.
Yep, im taking the mom's side. Im sure this kid has been pushing her buttons for a long time to get her like this. I hope she kicks his ass out soon.


So you personally know the kid and his situation?
Even a psychiatrist couldn't know this by the video alone.

Can you read people's past?
epicstruggle said:
Yep, im taking the mom's side. Im sure this kid has been pushing her buttons for a long time to get her like this.
You guys are clueless and have obviously never dealt with psychotic women like this one (something I unfortunately have had to do). You don't NEED to push their buttons, because they push their own buttons just fine anyway. Anything you say will be interpreted as "pushing their buttons", and if you don't say anything that pushes their buttons as well. There IS no right thing to say, or do, because they're friggin NUTS. Do you understand?

Like I said, she needs to be committed, she's obviously mentally unstable.
Your right guden . My mother is the same way . You can come home and she is mad at someone else and she just explods at you for 2 hours . She went off last night because my sister had a guy over till 2 am and I came home at 3 . She yelled at me till 5 am just yelling telling me all this shit .

Women are crazy
K.I.L.E.R said:
epicstruggle said:
radeonic2 said:
The kid is being a dick regardless of his crazy mom, he knows what to say to piss her off etc.
Yep, im taking the mom's side. Im sure this kid has been pushing her buttons for a long time to get her like this. I hope she kicks his ass out soon.


So you personally know the kid and his situation?
Even a psychiatrist couldn't know this by the video alone.

Can you read people's past?
Yes. Yes.

j/k, but if you listen in the begining, when asked by the son "why dont you ask nicely", she repeatedly says "I did that [X] minutes ago", plus i think his sister(?) says the same thing.

Normally I would side with the parents in a situation like this. (We have a 12 year old daughter that puts us through absolute hell.)

But this woman is FARKIN MENTAL (sic) :oops:

Geez I wonder why the father left? :?
epicstruggle said:
she repeatedly says "I did that [X] minutes ago"
Do note that this woman's opinion of "asking nicely" doesn't have to correspond with any sane person's definition of the words, and the sister could just agree with her mom to try and get on her "good" side.

Like I said, you don't seem to have dealt with this particular flavor of womanity (be thankful for it)...
If I heard right, the kid is 16.

At 16 years old, his mom doesn't have to "ask nicely." She can demand, and he should obey. If he doesn't, then she's probably a bad mother because she raised a snot nosed little brat who thinks he actually has some semblence of authority at 16 years old.
Powderkeg said:
If I heard right, the kid is 16.

At 16 years old, his mom doesn't have to "ask nicely." She can demand, and he should obey. If he doesn't, then she's probably a bad mother because she raised a snot nosed little brat who thinks he actually has some semblence of authority at 16 years old.

r u serious?

no one should ever talk to anyone that way, let alone a mother to her 16yo kid, and this is before even considering that she's demanding MONEY! from her child!