Optimizing Wii for performance


I was thinking what if wii games wer optimized better. What do you think can be done to make Wii games look as good as RE4 (GC) Rogue Squadron(GC) RE 0, and Mario Sunshine(Wii)?

What if...

*games ran at 15fps
*Some effects were emulated on the CPU(like hardware lighting)
*no hardware lights on(emulated on broadway)
*resolution set to 320x240 interlaced(480i)
*Stream preoptimized textures off disc

Just throwing somethings out there. Wondering why the Wii which is 50% faster than GC but we are not seeing at least RE4 level graphics. sad...
I was thinking what if wii games wer optimized better. What do you think can be done to make Wii games look as good as RE4 (GC) Rogue Squadron(GC) RE 0, and Mario Sunshine(Wii)?
The developers have to make them that way.

What if...

*games ran at 15fps
*Some effects were emulated on the CPU(like hardware lighting)
*no hardware lights on(emulated on broadway)
*resolution set to 320x240 interlaced(480i)
*Stream preoptimized textures off disc
None of this is needed, or that which is needed like streaming can already be used. Wii is capable of those examples you have listed above, as it's the same flippin' hardware! They don't need to cut-back framerate to improve eyecandy. They just need to give a damn, basically, but the audience doesn't seem to care, or at least there's not seen to be any need to invest heavily in the visuals, so the developers don't. I guess last gen the GC hardware was competing with two other platforms and eyecandy was important. Wii isn't competing with them on the visual merits, so it can do its own thing.
15fps games would likely have horrendous input latency, which is even more jarring on pointer-controlled games than it is on pads or mice. Visual feedback is the only control feedback you ever get on the Wii after all -- as opposed to the friction in the mouse movement or stick resistances you can feel.

I'd rather have 60fps and everthing else optimized/toned down to make that possible. IOW more games should do whatever it is Metroid Prime 3 did.
Do we even have frame-rate measurements for Wii games? How do we know if many of the visually less appealing games aren't simply running at 60FPS in order to improve pointer latency but are otherwise genuine middle of the pack titles?