Optical-to-coax SPDIF converter?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Anyone know if these beasties exist, and how expensive they are? I assume it would require a powersupply, as I doubt the laser diode in the optical sending end coupled to just a photocell would produce sufficient voltage to register on the coax receiving end...
Let's replace this entire website with a link to google!

Dude, if you don't have anything constructive to say, please don't reply at all.
I have two SPDIF inputs on the surround sound system I use for my TV, one with an optical plug and one with coax plug. But neither PS3 or x360 will use coax SPDIF outputs (to my knowledge anyway), so as you see, I might need a converter... If PS3 supports VGA out through its analog port, then I could hook it up to my PC monitor and use the optical in on the Z600 sound system instead, but that requires that the thing DOES support VGA out, which sony hasn't announced yet...

And thanks for the link btw. 80 bucks, hmm... Let's hope I won't have to buy one of these. :D
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Guden Oden said:
Let's replace this entire website with a link to google!

Dude, if you don't have anything constructive to say, please don't reply at all.

Not constructive? The search on google should tell you two things: they do exist and they are not expensive (here's an example, it's even on the first page). Guess that's not constructive enough for you.
Guden Oden said:
Let's replace this entire website with a link to google!

Dude, if you don't have anything constructive to say, please don't reply at all.

Sometimes you're so friendly... :-?
Guden Oden said:
I have two SPDIF inputs on the surround sound system I use for my TV, one with an optical plug and one with coax plug. But neither PS3 or x360 will use coax SPDIF outputs (to my knowledge anyway), so as you see, I might need a converter... If PS3 supports VGA out through its analog port, then I could hook it up to my PC monitor and use the optical in on the Z600 sound system instead, but that requires that the thing DOES support VGA out, which sony hasn't announced yet...

And thanks for the link btw. 80 bucks, hmm... Let's hope I won't have to buy one of these. :D

You could get a optical switchbox. I believe I've seen these at Gamestop. They have 3 component video inputs, 3 optical inputs, 3 ethernet inputs, and 5/6 standard video inputs. I think it was around $70.
_xxx_ said:
Sometimes you're so friendly... :-?
Yeah, I'm an evil bastard, sure. Whatever. Like I'm not already aware of the existence of google without some random person having to point it out to me?

Look... The reason I made the post in the first place was that I wanted to see if anyone here had any (personal) knowledge on the subject. I could google all day for these things, wouldn't do me half as much good as if another forum member gives a tip or a recommendation. Do you understand what I'm saying here?

So the advice that I should google for it, when I deliberately chose NOT to, is hence useless to me. If I just wanted to google a converter up, I wouldn't have bothered to make the thread in the first place. You don't even want to know the stuff I google for without making any posts about it here...
Look, it's not wrong to point out an unhelpful reply wasn't helpful. Saying "use google" when even the poster should reasonably know I too am perfectly aware of the existence of intarweb search engines is nothing short of a waste of time. Mine AND his.
Anyone know if these beasties exist, and how expensive they are?

My post answered these two questions you asked. Now I'll never waste your (and my) time on you anymore, thank you.
pcchen said:
My post answered these two questions you asked. Now I'll never waste your (and my) time on you anymore, thank you.

You also pointed out that the optical connection was referred to as toslink which was new information to the thread and made a google search much more productive.