Open Source. The cancer in Microsoft's rear.


Retarded moron

Can Microsoft kill off open source?
I know they can't.
Although I certainly do fear it.

I know the article is about Linux, however if you look at all the little things Microsoft has done and add them onto these new manoeuvres you will see that OS in general is going to hurt Microsoft in the future.
Depending on how you're looking at it, they're losing. The only market in which they are number one is workstations.

As an example, take a look at all those ADSL modems, routers, printservers, wireless access points, NAS servers and all the other stand alone boxes. They all run Linux.
PVRs and loads of appliances and a variety of telco devices. The telco world is going to ip networks, there is a fair bit of linux work.

The thing is no one has yet picked anything up on the Linux desktop. Which is why you might not feel it's pervasive. The thing is that there is a problem. The only worthwhile linux desktop environment is KDE (don't believe me look at their frameworks, and that's the only one MS is afraid of, they out right attack it in related conferences) and due to usage of Qt, closed source software needs to pay the trolltech tax. Then there is the fact that has a lot of ground to make up and Linus needs to lead the troops to allow for a better driver model and ABI. We might see desktop linux get more of a boost then. Till then, MS is winning the PC wars.
MS will keep winning PC wars for the forsseable future. Thats my opinion. Unless there is a massive shift...for example people quit using DirectX and start some new API that is open...and Linux ends up having a proper implementation of that new API then people will start moving...thats just one example...of how to break the monopoly of MS I think. I just used games as an example...I think the industry has to be the one to change first.