$ony Online



I read that Sony is just starting to sell NA and HDD in Japan(previously were bundled with FFXI). The NA will go for ~USD33 while the NA/HDD bundle will go for ~USD152/EURO141. :oops:

The bundle price is rediculous o_O That is overcharging for a console hardware. How can they sign people up with that kind of price? I hope they are sensible enough to sell the bundle much cheaper in US and PAL countries, IF it ever comes.

I dont think Sony Online can make it out with XBL, not with that kind of pricing and uncertainty.

What is your optimal price you will want to pay for the NA/HDD bundle? I will not pay more than USD99 for both.

Sony should just drop the 40GB shite and go for cheaper 5~10GB ones, it is not that their Online BB lifestyle plans will succeed with the current state of PS2. :oops:
I heard the PAL online plans were delayed too. Nice opening for XBL to strike. :?

What happened to the barrage of online games in Japan? Last year Sony made some groundbreaking online gaming support announcements. Nothing heard so far. Nobunaga Ambitions seems to be pushed back too. :(

I think the lack of built in connectivity is giving SCE plenty of headaches. Sony just give away the NA free or a cheap NA/HDD bundle(equivalent to the price of XBL kits?). :oops:
chap said:
I heard the PAL online plans were delayed too. Nice opening for XBL to strike. :?

What happened to the barrage of online games in Japan? Last year Sony made some groundbreaking online gaming support announcements. Nothing heard so far. Nobunaga Ambitions seems to be pushed back too. :(

I think the lack of built in connectivity is giving SCE plenty of headaches. Sony just give away the NA free or a cheap NA/HDD bundle(equivalent to the price of XBL kits?). :oops:

The price for the BB Unit is always like that (this should be the new batch of production), not surprising, it is already cheaper than what I had paid for my external PS2 HDD.

I am only wondering why there are so many colors of PS2 but there is only a black network adaptor.
I read that Sony is just starting to sell NA and HDD in Japan(previously were bundled with FFXI).

No, there going to be available via retail instead of ordering direct from Sony...

And teh kamenrider is correct, the price isn't that bad at all. I paid more for my HDD alone originally...

The bundle price is rediculous That is overcharging for a console hardware. How can they sign people up with that kind of price?

Perhaps you should get a job, or even better, go live in Japan for a while. Then you'll learn to appreciate how cheap things are for you...
And teh kamenrider is correct, the price isn't that bad at all. I paid more for my HDD alone originally
But why is there a need for a 40gb HDD? Can Sony not reduce the capacity and pass some savings to the consumers. It is their market to lose here.

Perhaps you should get a job, or even better, go live in Japan for a while. Then you'll learn to appreciate how cheap things are for you...

I certatinly do hope they are sensible enough to sell the unit cheap outside of Japan. Again, it is their online battle to lose. :oops:
Using a smaller HD may not pass on the savings because smaller HDs may not be in as much production as the 40Gb. In other words, just because there could be a 10Gb drive, doesn't mean that it would be cheaper (or much cheaper) than the 40Gb. It's a matter of production scale.
I've read a rumour they will distribute the HD adapter/hardware together with the software that will allow for TiVo digital TV recording. That would explain a hefty HD size.
chap said:
I think the lack of built in connectivity is giving SCE plenty of headaches.

Can you explain me the advantage of the Xbox "built in connectivity" ('cos you are clearly referring to this) over the PS2 "no built in connectivity"?

In both cases you have still to buy something to go online (Xbox Live Kit + Modem | Network Adaptor + Modem). I don't see any difference beside the price (NA is cheaper than the Xbox Live Kit, and it's also narrowband in US).
I've read a rumour they will distribute the HD adapter/hardware together with the software that will allow for TiVo digital TV recording. That would explain a hefty HD size.

That is dumb and pointless. Yay to maybe 1% of PS2 users. :rolleyes:

Can you explain me the advantage of the Xbox "built in connectivity" ('cos you are clearly referring to this) over the PS2 "no built in connectivity"?


XBL kit $49.99.
PS2 NA/HDD $???.

Unless Sony is generous to have some NA/HDD bundle at 49.99, you are not going to have a strong userbase. Confuse both gamers and developers. :(
That is dumb and pointless. Yay to maybe 1% of PS2 users.
Maybe to you, but to me that's the smartest thing they could do, and the most important thing I would buy that HD addon for. I absolutely hate having more than one device below my TV, bunch of remote controllers and forest of cables lying around. I'd love to record some TV stuff when I'm not at home, but there's no way in hell I'm buying a separate device for that.

Unless Sony is generous to have some NA/HDD bundle at 49.99, you are not going to have a strong userbase. Confuse both gamers and developers.
So far, it's pretty obvious that only selected few games would require that HD. I don't think developers would mind it too much if it's only the BB adapter that is selling well (and so far it's selling pretty well).
It is pointless to me and most likely any gamers. I want a NA/HDD to play online games, not do some dumbass TV recordings.

A 40GB 7200RPM hard drives cost around ~USD100 now. A 20GB one is at ~USD60.

I do not need some big storage crap. Just give me the cheapest solution, one which i can store my saves, updates, patches, stats and all online related items.

Games! Sony GAMES! Your BB Lifestyle dreams can wait till next generation or when BB becomes fast enough. :oops: