Online functionality


Senior Member
What features would go good with a game going online. I have a specific type of game online, but this should be for general discussion. Is it important or a plus to have characters/player information stored online compared to locally that way giving more space for other such functions. Or if the game's menus and other things were customizeable from an online standpoint would that be useful at all? What types of features or bonuses would you like to see from an online game? I know things like bonuses levels, characters, weapons and the like a re a good start. I was wondering if it would be good for a game developer to have online tournaments where a player can receive prizes for winning. But what other functions would you like to see come from games that would make the experience that much better?
would that have to do with any game you are developing by any chance ;)

I'd like tournament... in basically all games... in FPS or MMORPGs I'd like to have large scale battles with teams as alrge as 100-200 players each ( this fits more the MMORPG, but in the future I'd like to play a game like Robotech Battle Cry with other 30-40 people on my side against 30-40+ people on the other side... ) :D

Then the winners could have a prize... like a hand-shake with me :D... oh well ok, a real prize.. like a super-cool new mech or armor or something that NO-ONE else can have :)
hmm.. it wouldn't have to be full online networking, but something similar to what SCE Liverpool did with WipEout Fusion was great. Race in 'Zone Mode' and if your score is good enough, the player receives some code which can be entered on the official site. This 'online feature' allows players all over the world to compete with each other and made the game a blast to play again and again. Something like this would definately fair well...
No game that I am developing, but it may be developed elsewhere. But this really doesn't have anything to do with that game other than the fact that it gave me an idea to post this thread. This is really just for the discussion on the board.
Too often online play is used as an end in itself, leaving some MMORPGs as elaborate chat rooms beyond their basic mechanics. It should, however, be a tool for means of better expressing an already-solid gameplay idea, like an adventure game in which you can search certain online resources for cracking an in-game puzzle, or a massively-multiplayer team-based stealth game where groups of players can work together (or double-cross each other, if they so choose) increasing security on fortresses and military installations across a map while other teams try to infiltrate and conquer them.