OMG HHGG the movie teaser horrible!!

Basic said:
I've read the books, and liked them a lot.
Last summer I borrowed the TV series on DVD from a friend, and it was truly horrible. When I brought back the DVD to him and said that it was rather bad, he was quite surprised that I actually watched all of it. He had watched half an hour, and couldn't stand it anymore.

So the new movie can at least not be worse than that. :D

get the (original) radio series -- you won't regret it
Was the previous version of H2G2 (thats h and g to the power of two) movie available over here in the states just the Brit Television series chopped together? If so it thoroughly stank, to the power of 10.
Reminded me of the Red Dwarf series with zero budget.

But to redeem myself I am a fan of Douglas Adams, I even have a good smattering of his non H2G2 books. Tho they lacked alot of the goodness of his earliest Hitchhikers books. I so find Terry Pratchett to be somewhat mundane in comparision. Like comparing crack rock to sugar cubes.

At this juncture i refuse to pay Hollywood for their right good butchering of the series. So i hope to not see this movie. Instead of witty humor i would expect nothing but bathroom humor. Remember this is Hollywood making the movie, and they like to cater to the lowest common dominator.
Squeak said:
It looks as though they are doing exactly what DNA tried with all his might not to do, Star Wars with humour.
The art direction IMO is terrible and generic, and listen to the music (or rather don't)!
That's only slightly different to the previous trailer (which simply showed the clearing for the hyperspace bypass).

What's the problem with it?
DemoCoder said:
I liked the original radio series and the TV series. I think the humor is timeless and translates well. I mean, who can't get a chuckle from Zaphod entering the Total Perspective Vortex torture device. :)

I wonder if it would have the same effect on some of the visitors to B3D? :)
Basic said:
I've read the books, and liked them a lot.
Last summer I borrowed the TV series on DVD from a friend, and it was truly horrible. When I brought back the DVD to him and said that it was rather bad, he was quite surprised that I actually watched all of it. He had watched half an hour, and couldn't stand it anymore.

So the new movie can at least not be worse than that. :D
I actually rather liked the TV series.
I think it's not possible to reproduce the book's most enjoyable aspects in a movie, see quotes someone made above. That doesn't mean it'll be a bad movie, though.
Simon F said:
Basic said:
I've read the books, and liked them a lot.
Last summer I borrowed the TV series on DVD from a friend, and it was truly horrible. When I brought back the DVD to him and said that it was rather bad, he was quite surprised that I actually watched all of it. He had watched half an hour, and couldn't stand it anymore.

So the new movie can at least not be worse than that. :D
I actually rather liked the TV series.

it's these young whipper-snappers who have to have the latest cgi .. . in my day (etc) . .

i missed the radio series first time round , saw the tv series first... thought it was brilliant,, but thats 12 yr olds for ya ;)
I'm really looking forward to this film. I think the casting so far has been inspired and if they get it right it could be a great spectacle and also a surprise success. Part of the genius of Adams was his combination of great dialogue and brilliant ideas. The latter part of this equation almost screams to be seen on the big screen with modern CGI. The question is whether the former can be captured. Only one way to find out... and of course, it's coming out in May 2005, head to head with you-know-what.
Simon F said:
Squeak said:
It looks as though they are doing exactly what DNA tried with all his might not to do, Star Wars with humour.
The art direction IMO is terrible and generic, and listen to the music (or rather don't)!
That's only slightly different to the previous trailer (which simply showed the clearing for the hyperspace bypass).

What's the problem with it?
Well for starters the Heart of Gold is not giant sphere shaped, it's sleek running shoe shaped.
The whole atmosphere or "stimmung" conveyed by the trailers are just completely wrong. It doesn’t at all catch the unique late 70s early 80s space-adventure style of the original works.
Listen to the theme tune from the original radio series to get a hint of what I’m talking about.
A HHGG movie should never ever have clichéd pseudo classical music.
I read all the books when I was a kid, and then listened to all of them as books on tape read by Douglas Adams himself. I liked them when I read them. Listening to Adams read them however put the whole series in a completely different light. I picked up things from his reading inflection that never made sense to me reading it (at least as an American) and turned them from being just funny to utterly hilarious.
Squeak said:
Simon F said:
Squeak said:
It looks as though they are doing exactly what DNA tried with all his might not to do, Star Wars with humour.
The art direction IMO is terrible and generic, and listen to the music (or rather don't)!
That's only slightly different to the previous trailer (which simply showed the clearing for the hyperspace bypass).

What's the problem with it?
Well for starters the Heart of Gold is not giant sphere shaped, it's sleek running shoe shaped.
But that wasn't shown in the actual trailer....

well just as long as they don't start thinking that "brown is the new black" and redo the colour scheme of "Disaster Areas"' ship.
Squeak said:
Well for starters the Heart of Gold is not giant sphere shaped, it's sleek running shoe shaped.
There are many texts that deserve a slavish devotion in a movie adaptation - but the Hitchhiker's Guide isn't one of them. Even Adams didn't maintain its integrity through the different media, and the radio plays, books and TV show all contradict each other.

And besides, I thought the ship looked great 8). And the first time I saw a picture of this Marvin I cracked up.
Some new trailers:
A bit better this time, but I’m still very sceptical.
For one, it looks very much like it’s done in the generic (to the point of nausea) “darkâ€￾ SF style.
Secondly I don’t like the design of Marvin at all.
In the books Marvin was never designed to look like a depressed midget like he is now, in the books he looks depressed by posture (if you think about it, it would make no sense to design a depressed looking robot if you are trying to sell it).
Was it my imagination or did Zaphod have a rather inadequate number of heads in that trailer?

I do hope they've included some of the bits out of the guide in the final movie, but I fear the worst.
Gerry said:
Was it my imagination or did Zaphod have a rather inadequate number of heads in that trailer?
But he did have the correct number of arms.
t0y said:
"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."

"For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen."

I don't know what this thread is about at all, but these quotes really made me feel interested... :D

YOU DIDN'T READ IT? Go to the local library right now and ask for "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Read it.

It's almost like saying "I never learned how to read and write", man! ;)
DemoCoder said:
I liked the original radio series and the TV series. I think the humor is timeless and translates well. I mean, who can't get a chuckle from Zaphod entering the Total Perspective Vortex torture device. :)

It was leaving it that made me chuckle. ;)