Oh yeah, I quit smoking pot for a while...

Joe DeFuria said:
Well, I had an accident 5 years ago, and have just been taking it ever since...


Rush? Rush, is that you? :p

No, seriously, in the time between my previous post and the one before it, I went to the oral surgeon to have a tooth extracted. (Long story short, that tooth had a crown which came off a while ago and the tooth itself is now damaged beyond repair...)

For "discomfort" I've been prescribed Lodine, which is like a stronger Ibuprofen...and in case that's not enough, I can pop a perc every so often.

Right now, the novacaine is still in effect, and the peak discomfort time is supposedly 36-48 hours after the extraction, so we'll see.

Not fun. Hope you feel better. That said, if it's one of your front teeth can we call you gappy until you get it bridged?
BlueTsunami said:
I've moved from weed to psychedelics....

I've been thru my psychedelic phase already and my experimentation one, I was just smoking a bit of pot.

Day four and I haven't killed anything, day two without a cigarette.... :rolleyes:

Oh, and yes I do quit smoking a lot...but I refuse to let that discourage me or make me give up trying. I have to quit, whatever it takes. (I'm talking cigarettes on that one, and they're harder to give up than pot.)

BTW-Could we quit all this librarian talk? It's making me want to go read a book... :???:
I loooove opies a bit too much. Hooked up 30 vikes a friend didn't need on xmas eve and they were done 3 days later. Problem with most of those narcotics is they need to mix em with acetaminiphen in order to be keep them off the most restrictive drug schedules. Acetapminophen is really bad for you.
John Reynolds said:
Not fun. Hope you feel better. That said, if it's one of your front teeth can we call you gappy until you get it bridged?

Thanks, so far, not a big deal (again, talk to me when the novacain wears off, maybe I'll tell you somethine else. ;) )

It's one of my lower molars, and I'm not actually going to get it bridged, I'm going to get a dental implant instead. Basically, it's an "artificial tooth." Once the jaw heals, the the "space" is filled in with bone (about 4-6 months), they'll drill out a hole and implant what is essentially an artificial root. Then, they'll put a crown on top of that.

Advantages: it's basically permananet: should last as long as any other tooth. Crowns tend to have a 10-15 year life span. Also, (and this is the main reason why I'm going this route) because there is a root into the jaw, the jaw bone will not deteriorate due to the lack of a tooth there.

Disadvantages: more expensive, and most dental insurance (mine included) doesn't cover it.
I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago, not pot, just tobacco. I used to smoke 2-3 packs per day (50+ cigarettes). This is the second serious attempt at quitting.

The first time went rather well. It took me 2 days to shake the physical withdrawal symptoms and 2 months to get rid of the phychological and habitual withdrawal symptoms. This success proved to be rather deceptive because after one year I took up smoking again because I though I had it under control and a cigaret now and then wouldn't hurt.

This time was pretty rough as far as physical withdrawal symptoms were concerned. I suffered from severe insomnia for more than a week. I couldn't sleep at all, only have a half-awake nap for a few minutes when the exhaustion overwhelmed me. After 3 days, my whole body - teeth, back, knees, head - began to hurt. I was a walking corpse. I had no clue what was going on around me, I was in some sort of mild delirium all the time. It was torturous. I tired to reduce the symptoms by taking painkillers, which didn't help at all. Then I tried drinking... a lot. Vodka and Whiskey by the bottles. Didn't really help either but made it more bearable.

Thankfully, after more than a week the symptoms eased off. I've been off nicotine for almost three weeks now. I guess the good thing is that the physical withdrawal symptoms made me feel so miserable that the psychological withdrawal symptoms couldn't manifest themselves.

Anyway, having gone through this experience I sincerly believe that nicotine is a much worse addiction that marihuana. I used to smoke quite a lot of marihuana in my teens (i.e. twice per day minimum) and I had no problem breaking the habbit. Breaking the nicotine addiction for the second time was hell. I hope this time it lasts.
orfanotna said:
What a coincidence.. I just started smoking pot.
Well, I slipped this weekend a bit when a friend I hadn't seen in a while paid me back some kind I lent him waaaay long ago... :oops:

Must admit, it does feel nice.
digitalwanderer said:
Well, I slipped this weekend a bit when a friend I hadn't seen in a while paid me back some kind I lent him waaaay long ago... :oops:

Must admit, it does feel nice.

It surely does. But if you want to quit, there must be no fallbacks.

orfanotna said:
What a coincidence.. I just started smoking pot.

You better stop it, damages both your lungs and your briefcase equally.
_xxx_ said:
You better stop it, damages both your lungs and your briefcase equally.
And right or wrong, it's still illegal.
digitalwanderer said:
And right or wrong, it's still illegal.

That's not the killer, but rather the ~300€ for the stuff in december and the green/brownish stuff I'm coughing up out of my lungs every morning (well it's from cigs as well, 1 pack a day)
_xxx_ said:
That's not the killer, but rather the ~300€ for the stuff in december and the green/brownish stuff I'm coughing up out of my lungs every morning (well it's from cigs as well, 1 pack a day)
Quit the cigs, it's a bitch but well worth it. I notice improvements from that after the shakes stop about 3 days later, but they're good improvements and immediate.

I figure I could handle just not spending money on pot, I don't get it just given to me all that often.

(Then again, it ain't like the rarest thing either. Whenever I fix one of my toking buddies PCs they always seem to gift me a bud in appreciation. :) )

A nice compromise that'll force me into moderation yet not make me beat myself up for not resisting temptation when it's offered.
_xxx_ said:
I tried quitting cigs, but I haven't made it longer than 2 days. I'm an addict, it seems. :cry:
I can quit pretty easily I've found using the patch. It's amazing how little you crave a smoke with a 21mg nicotine patch on your arm.

Once you go about a month on the patch you won't feel like smoking anymore, then it's easy to ween yourself off the patch.

My only problem is I keep thinking I have a handle on it and deciding it's ok to have a cigarette with a friend like a year later, and the next thing I know I'm smoking 2 packs a week again. :rolleyes:

On the brightside I've become an expert at quitting smoking, and I never give up on giving up. :)
digitalwanderer said:
On the brightside I've become an expert at quitting smoking

By doing it over and over again? :LOL: ;)

I didn't even think about the patch, but I might just try it. Thanks for the idea!
Once upon a time I used to casually smoke pot (1-4 joints a week perhaps), and enjoy it in moderation. Now I can't even smoke weed nowadays without going feeling stoned a lot more quickly than I used to and going on a massive downer shortly after... AFAIK the effects depend on the state of mentality it seems; I've got too much nagging stuff on the (subconcious?) mind, I guess. I'd much sooner have alchohol, which merely has a soothing, calming effect ;).

As for ciggies, I roll my own. Probably smoke far too many of them in a day, mind...
_xxx_ said:
You better stop it, damages both your lungs and your briefcase equally.

Well, I'm not a regular smoker by most people's definition (I smoke 2 times a week max), and I don't smoke cigs, or use any other drugs (well, except alcohol occasionally), so I'm willing to accept the health risks. As for the briefcase thing, every time I do smoke, it's usually like a dub-sack between 4 or 5 people. I can afford to spend 5-10 bucks a week on bud. Overall, I'd say the results are well worth it.