Oh my Killzone

7upac said:
Im tierd of these ppl making excuses about the game not looking good, go to psxnation.com and look at all the pics they have there.

Aren't those pics pretty much ALL magazine scans? That always hides flaws in the image and gives it a nicer look overall.

Defenitely this game is way better then metroid prime and halo1(graphically).

MP is very well-designed. It'd be hard as hell to beat it with the awesome efforts that were put into modelling those rooms that I tell ya.

Also yes a lot of the mag scans do look comparable to half life2.

...But only because they're scans. Never trust a scan to deliver a true version of what the image really looks like. Just PRINTING the image blurs it slightly which reduces aliasing.

Grall: Yeh i can see what u mean, but there are also some clear scanns of this game at psxnation.com. Yeh i have to agree some of the rooms in MP are very nicely designed but thats artistic style not because of the graphics.
7upac said:
Grall: Yeh i can see what u mean, but there are also some clear scanns of this game at psxnation.com. Yeh i have to agree some of the rooms in MP are very nicely designed but thats artistic style not because of the graphics.
Metroid Prime is probably the best example on consoles of how much progressive-scan can add to the visuals of a game.
Considering Killzone won't be supporting progressive-scan, it pretty much has 0% chance of matching the image quality of MP.
Well i dont know about the image quality, but halo1 looks better then MP and Killzone defenitely looks better then halo1. Just cuz it wont suport progressive scan doesnt mean that it wont look better.
Well, it's all subjective really.
I happen to think that MP looks better than Halo, due mainly to the fact that it's so much cleaner looking. Halo had some pretty extreme mip-mapping going on.
What game looks best is really just a matter of taste, but I do think we need to see some actual video and some higher quality pics to place Killzone ahead of either one at this point.
I don't doubt that it will be a nice looking game, but the lack of progressive-scan isn't an encouraging sign.
Sigh. Why do they always downsample the images to make them look far better than they really will on a tv screen? I swear the next gen consoles better have default AA and AF on. It's really difficult to play console games on my WEGA after gaming at 1024 with 4xAA and 16xAF on my computer.