Oh my Killzone


8) It just keeps looking better and better. The bottom shot is just so awesome, very detailed enviroment. I can't wait for the video on the 1st of October, Woot! Woot!



images from DKGaming.
This is defenitely going to be one of the best if not the best looking console games when released. The only game i could think of right now that looks better then this is halo2 , but not by a lot they are both very close. Killzone in my opinion has better detail in the characters and environments where as halo2 has the better lighting i guess, but since we havent seen Killzone in motion we cant really judge its lighting that much along with everything else.
I haven't really seen anything yet that puts it above even Metroid Prime visually.

Maybe when some more gamplay shots or videos come out.
cobragt @ psx2central forum said:
OPM2 and Killzone

And the Killzone hype is growing and growing, OPM2 knows absolutely how to hype the game! We have three new (scanned) screenshots for you and some quotes and information from this month's opm2uk issue, the official and biggest playstation2 magazine in the United Kingdom!

The team has played four levels of the game, and it isn't normal how highly they speak about Killzone. "Killzone officially blows us away. And believe us, it's nothing like halo. It's soooo much better!"

The demo-version of the game only features two characters, Templar and Luger. The other members of the squad will join the game a few levels later. The fist Level is called the 'Slum streets level'. But it isn't sure if that is the definitive name of the level.
The controls are one the most important things in a game, so Guerrilla has spend much time to think how they could made the controls perfect, and the results are very good: "Good job the controls are easy to pick up. Reminds us of 'Splitters but with a more solid vertical aim. Fire off a few rounds of the machine gun and the pad buzzes like an angry bee. That's important - the weapons have to feel right. They do."

remarkable is the fact that you could only carry three guns at a time, you must drop one if you want to use another.

And this is the game experience of the third level, called 'Helghast mist'. A big outdoor level in the jungle. Opm2: " Outside in the jungle the sense of scale is instantly intimidating. Mist blurs our vision and reeds, and long grass, make our journey through a shallow stream all the more treacherous. With a new machine gun we now have a grenade launcher as a secondary fire option. Seeing a group of camouflaged soldiers lurking behind a rock we pump a grenade in their vicinity. They dispense in all directions as the grenade explodes, taking two of them out in process. There's a blinding flash and a huge fountain of water sprays into the air. then the aerial bombing starts again and we're forced to look cover"

The game looks great, "The clever use of Ps2's graphics processor, involving innovative use of layers in detail, means Guerrilla has manages to create a stylized, high-res look for Killzone. Textures become richer as you get closer to them, with characters and their apparel appearing almost photorealistic at close quarters." And also the simple backgrounds like water, rocks, walls, etc. do look great and "have a distinct smoothness we've never witnessed on PS2 before"

"Official PS2 Magazine says... Believe the hype. This is a first-person shooter of the highest caliber. Having played four levels over about two hours, we found the atmosphere, style and subverted real-life war scenarios a refreshing change to the more traditional alien bashing of other sci-fi themed PS2 shooter. Killzone looks the business and plays far better than we could've ever imagined, particularly as there's over a year of development left. Get excited. Tell your mates. War is coming. It'll be well worth the wait."

If you want the complete text, just buy ops2m!
Taken from here.





This screen for example:


Looks about as good, or beter, than pretty much anything else I can think of in the genre. I think the game has tons of visual pizzaz to offer.
No offense marc, but i rather wait to see the game in motion than making such grandious claims. (might be sounding like a broken record) but most if not all, PS2 screens do not show the lacking IQ fidelity that plagues PS2 games...

If we were to go further, lets take a better look at that shopping mall, as provided by SCEE....


Certainly no where as hot..... typical PS2 stuffs i would say :?
aliasing is to be expected (u can spot a little of it in some shots), texturing seems better than most titles on ps2 (can't see any detail texturing tho).

Geometric detail is rather nice so far so I really only hoping that texture aliasing isn't so bad.

Technically Starship Troopers is much better than Apocalypse Now.
Yet Apocalypse Now is a much better movie than Starship Troopers.

Weird, huh?

they are completing different films. still alluing to the supposed content before gameplay impressions are released is a little early don't you think?
ACtually the textures look like atypical PS2. You can easily feel the blurr in the top half of the shot. Of course the bottem half aint better...look at the arm and abs of that guy...not the nicest of textures..

Sure this IS a PS2 game, so i cant complain THAT much, but its quite hmmm...for some to make hotshot claims like *almost* as good as H2... :?
ACtually the textures look like atypical PS2. You can easily feel the blurr in the top half of the shot. Of course the bottem half aint better...look at the arm and abs of that guy...not the nicest of textures..

sorry have to diagree with you here the texturing in most of the shots (including that wall shot u posted) are certainly in the upper region on ps2. this is helped in no small factor by the grudge look I imagine.

if you are suggesting they are equal/worse than say MGS2 or deusEx then I cannot see where u are coming from (and ues I can see the dithering in some ceiling textures).

Sure this IS a PS2 game, so i cant complain THAT much, but its quite hmmm...for some to make hotshot claims like *almost* as good as H2...

This is defenitely going to be one of the best if not the best looking console games when released. The only game i could think of right now that looks better then this is halo2 , but not by a lot they are both very close.

yea this is a little overenthusiastic.
notAFanB said:
ChryZ said:
Technically Starship Troopers is much better than Apocalypse Now.
Yet Apocalypse Now is a much better movie than Starship Troopers.

Weird, huh?
they are completing different films. still alluing to the supposed content before gameplay impressions are released is a little early don't you think?
Hehe ... I hadn't gameplay nor content/story in mind, it's more about visuals (incl. art direction) and the ambience/atmosphere they deliver, regardless of the used technology.
Im tierd of these ppl making excuses about the game not looking good, go to psxnation.com and look at all the pics they have there. Defenitely this game is way better then metroid prime and halo1(graphically). Also yes a lot of the mag scans do look comparable to half life2.
Chap, do you know what atypical means? You complain about how bad Killzone's textures are (eg. "Blurry," "Not the nicest of textures") and then say they're atypical for PS2 - but you complain about every damn PS2 game, how is this any different?
I think he missed a space. That is, he meant to say "a typical" as opposed to "atypical". Not that it's proper English either way.
i am not really sure what "atypical" really means.. :p does it not means typical too, just that it sounds nicer? Oh well, me no EngRiSH first talkie talk. :oops:
'atypical' has the exact opposite meaning of 'typical' :p

You'd say, "It' very atypical that snow is falling on Hawaii in the middle of july".