Oh my god!!!

Ozymandis said:
A lot of games do have smaller text and HUDs at higher res though :(

Yeah, I love playing Quake3 at 2048x1536, but the chat messages from the other players simply get too small to read :(
Chalnoth said:
DaveBaumann said:
What on earth are you talking about?

Tomshardware stated that benchmarks weren't allowed.

And we all know how dead on accurate THG is too. :rolleyes:
My gawd, I'm amazed anyone even reads their articles. If I even visit that site, I only look at their graphs. Even then I take it with a large grain of salt.

I think you'd have to be blind not to see the comparative benchmarks everywhere. Anand's have been converted into numbers in this forum, kyle has comparisons in his gaming review and other site have also posted comparative numbers!
Very true...maybe ATI didn't like Tomshardware for some reason and told them that they weren't allowing benches to be released?
What irritates me is that several of you have bought into the idea that his editorial is actually about the *choke hold* issue. It clearly is not. He attacks ATi in several areas, while not mentioning any other company.

If this was a preview about an Nvidia product this *editorial* would have never been written. it is clear that ED is a close minded Nvidia Fan-boy. Plain and simple. Matrox did the exact same thing with their parhelia.. yet no comentary on that.. The ONLY reason this lame excuse for and *editorial* was written is becuases of bitterness that ATi's new card is faster than the current Nvidia offering.

It makes me ill that the only ones defending this slanderous trash are other Nvidia Fan-boys.

Brand loyalty has gotten way out of control. The internet in general is getting to be nothing more than an online version of The Enquirer or Star magazine.
Maybe I missed something, but I didn't see anyone in this thread defending that silly article. The article perse is mostly smoke and mirrors. -shrug-

I wouldn't get sick over it, theres been plenty of trash articles thrown at just about every company on the internet, but maybe thats just me :eek:
Tomshardware stated that benchmarks weren't allowed.
And yet Tom listed 3DM2K1 scores, and Anand listed an FSAA score ("above 85fps"). Not to mention it doesn't take a genius to interpret the ratios. In fact, the ratios are a bit clearer than straight fps numbers, IMO.

As for the HUD, many games have fan files you an drop in for larger text.
Well as someone who attended the event, ATI was giving out 3DMark scores in the breakout sessions, and benchmarks for Quake3 and a couple other benchmarks. As to my posting them? I dunno . I have a inquiry into ATI PR and if they are postable, will.
I dont get the need for benchmarks in a situation like this.

It is what technology is being brough forward that counts... just the fact that it can do 128bit fp throughout the rendering stage and it can run AA and AF @ acceptable levels should be enough. It doesn't hurt that it's DX9 compliant and OpenGL 2.0 ready either ;)

Too much importance is placed on benchmarks. Play the games people.. stop staring at numbers which mean nothing on their own. However that being said I would like to see some Morrowind benchmarks as that game runs like a dawg on my Radeon 8500 ... hehe, what a hypocrite I am.

Someone else said that the normalized data at Anadtech makes easier understanding than FPS numbers, that comment was right on brother! (Well for me anyway).
> " It is what technology is being brough forward that counts... just the fact that it can do 128bit fp throughout the rendering stage and it can run AA and AF @ acceptable levels should be enough. It doesn't hurt that it's DX9 compliant and OpenGL 2.0 ready either."

Exactly! I mean that guy who wrote that article seems to think the only advantage the 9700 has over the Ti4600 is 1600x1200 gaming.

Sure current games will run at the same speed at 1024x768, if the limit is the CPU to begin with, but just wait when games get more complex, and we will see future games that run twice as fast on the 9700 than the Ti4600.

With the 9700, you are buying into a card that has awesome visual quality for today's games that will last a long long time, as DX9 games will be a long time in coming.
I'd be kind of surprised if the R300 was ever twice as fast as a GeForce4 Ti 4600 without FSAA or anisotropic filtering.

Additionally, since it is silly to run a Ti 4600 without FSAA or aniso, it would certainly be silly to run an R300 without either.
Fuz said:
Its a bit OT, but who plays at 1280x1024??? Or has thier windows set at that res?

640/480 = 1.3'
800/600 = 1.3'
1024/768 = 1.3'
1600/1200 = 1.3'

Now, if you run at 1280x1024, it seems the aspect ratio is out of wack, right? Cause 1280/1024 = 1.25

So you should be runnning it at 1280x960, correct? Or is there something fundamentally wrong with my logic?

I asked this same question a couple weeks back. Basically you're right, and setting your windows desktop to 1280*1024 is not really great, but in 3D everything's fine. To answer your question, I run 3D in 1280 rather than 1600, because my monitor supports it at 85hz instead of 75.
I generally try to run in 1280x960 if I run at that res...1280x960 is 4:3 ratio...

I am really curious why in the world most resolutions are 4:3, but the "standard" resolution with a width of 1280 is 1280x1024, or a 5:4 ratio...why??
Hellbinder[CE said:
]What irritates me is that several of you have bought into the idea that his editorial is actually about the *choke hold* issue. It clearly is not. He attacks ATi in several areas, while not mentioning any other company.

If this was a preview about an Nvidia product this *editorial* would have never been written. it is clear that ED is a close minded Nvidia Fan-boy. Plain and simple. Matrox did the exact same thing with their parhelia.. yet no comentary on that.. The ONLY reason this lame excuse for and *editorial* was written is becuases of bitterness that ATi's new card is faster than the current Nvidia offering.

It makes me ill that the only ones defending this slanderous trash are other Nvidia Fan-boys.

Brand loyalty has gotten way out of control. The internet in general is getting to be nothing more than an online version of The Enquirer or Star magazine.

The funny thing is he's actually NOT an Nvidiot, if you look at his past record. In fact he actually is using an R8500 at the moment.

His whole editorial just seems out of the blue to me...it doesn't really make any sense.
Nagorak said:
I asked this same question a couple weeks back. Basically you're right, and setting your windows desktop to 1280*1024 is not really great, but in 3D everything's fine.
Well, if you have a 5:4 tft display, it's just the other way round. Windows desktop at 1280x1024 is fine (because pixels are square), but 3d may be a bit stretched as games tend to use a 4:3 ratio in their viewport transformation (while some games allow you to adjust the field of view).
True...but how in the world did 1280x1024 become one of the "standard" resolutions? Doesn't make any sense at all...
Chalnoth said:
I'd be kind of surprised if the R300 was ever twice as fast as a GeForce4 Ti 4600 without FSAA or anisotropic filtering.

We were told outright in the HardOCP preview that the R300 was scoring "right at 200%" of the GeForce4 Ti 4600's results in 3DMark's Nature scene, running at 1024x768x32 without anisotropic filtering or anti-aliasing (i.e. - default settings for the benchmark).

Given the R300's hardware configuration and the targeted clock rates, it really shouldn't be suprising to see repeat occurrences of this, particularly as shaders (both vertex and pixel) of greater complexity are used, reducing the chances that the system will bottleck first at CPU or AGP throughput. Unless the R300 suffers from some unfortunate architecture short-comings, the GF4 shoudn't have much chance of keeping up in straight-forward geometry-processing or pixel-filling contests..... except, perhaps, for cases in which the GF4 can get optimal benefits from its multitexturing hardware.
Chalnoth said:
True...but how in the world did 1280x1024 become one of the "standard" resolutions? Doesn't make any sense at all...

I agree, that does seem outright ridiculous. It means you can't run in any other desktop rez without everything being distorted (of course on a TFT they're distorted anyway). I wonder if you can set custom 5:4 display modes.
I do know that under Linux with nVidia's drivers you can set any custom resolution you want, but you have to play around with some rather funky timings that you generally don't mess with in Windows. I've also heard that you can set custom resolutions with Powerstrip, though I haven't tried to.

We were told outright in the HardOCP preview that the R300 was scoring "right at 200%" of the GeForce4 Ti 4600's results in 3DMark's Nature scene, running at 1024x768x32 without anisotropic filtering or anti-aliasing (i.e. - default settings for the benchmark).

Hmmm...guess I didn't read that review closely enough (just sort of skimmed it). But, I'm not sure this means much of anything, as I've never thought 3DMark2k1 (Or its precursor, 3DMark2k) really meant much of anything as a benchmark. I still kind of doubt we'll see any games that show the R300 doubling the score of the Ti 4600 without aniso/FSAA...but, as I said, those aren't really the scores that matter. What's important is the aniso/FSAA quality as well as the performance with those features turned on...the R300 appears to excel at both.

As a side note, the most likely game coming out in the near future to double the score of the R300 over the Ti 4600 without aniso/FSAA would be DOOM3, because of the stencil shadows (the 8x1 pipelines will really help in drawing those shadows quickly...).