Official "My Christmas Gift Is Better Than Yours"


Mostly Harmless
Does this count as graphics-related?

I think it should --as far as I can tell it is really a PC. Even has a Reset button for when it "locks up" (haven't had to use that yet tho).

This is one of the advantages to having a wife who is a TV engineer --none of that "I don't want that huge monster in our living room" to deal with!

Yes, just had to gloat. :LOL:
mmm, DLP. but does it also have a turbo button? all PCs must have a turbo button!

I'm perfectly happy with my new 40 gig iPod, though.
The Baron said:
I'm perfectly happy with my new 40 gig iPod, though.

Yes, indeed! That ought to be enuf to store every polka ever recorded! ;)

[a little Western Penna. humor there, from a former resident]
I got you all beat: my 17-month-old daughter snapped half the angled audio jacks for my living room's 5.1 sound system off the back of the sub. When you're used to surround sound it doesn't take long to notice its absence.
John Reynolds said:
I got you all beat: my 17-month-old daughter snapped half the angled audio jacks for my living room's 5.1 sound system off the back of the sub. When you're used to surround sound it doesn't take long to notice its absence.
Did you show her the back of your hand?
I got me a nice leather office chair, and a logitech driving force pro(for pc use).
ya I suck..
radeonic2 said:
John Reynolds said:
I got you all beat: my 17-month-old daughter snapped half the angled audio jacks for my living room's 5.1 sound system off the back of the sub. When you're used to surround sound it doesn't take long to notice its absence.
Did you show her the back of your hand?

Having the 17month-old daughter *is* the christmas present --the fun christmas story to embarrass her with in years to come is just gravy.
geo said:
radeonic2 said:
John Reynolds said:
I got you all beat: my 17-month-old daughter snapped half the angled audio jacks for my living room's 5.1 sound system off the back of the sub. When you're used to surround sound it doesn't take long to notice its absence.
Did you show her the back of your hand?

Having the 17month-old daughter *is* the christmas present --the fun christmas story to embarrass her with in years to come is just gravy.
Yes, I suppose constantly antagonizing your kids could be rather fun :devilish:
geo said:
Having the 17month-old daughter *is* the christmas present --the fun christmas story to embarrass her with in years to come is just gravy.

Actually, there's a lot of truth to that statement. And, no, you can hardly discipline a child that young for something she quickly forgot even doing, and wasn't aware that it was wrong while doing it. I did smack her mother around to help alleviate my anger, though.
John, in that situation, you just have to ask yourself one question: What would B.A. Baracus do?

"Quit yo' jibba-jabba and get me the soldering iron!"
I'm still cleaning up the blizzard called "Xmas" that my kids hit the house with over the last few days! :?

I think I got everything back to normal but my kitchen.... :rolleyes:
fallguy said:
Sorry, mine was better.

Try harder next year.

Just noticed this post.

C'mon, Fallguy, share some of those semi-nude pics of your wife dressed as one of Santa's elfs we all know you have! :p
hey69 said:
my present: a big kiss..
yeah we are poor at the moment :(

Me too.....however with 4 young children the whole idea is making them happy and not worrying about yourself. The kids did well and I am happy with getting the complete HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy collection as I never did get around to reading the entire series.
i shall post pics (taken with the 6.1MP digicam i also got) when i actually recieve it... ;)
rich said:
Me too.....however with 4 young children the whole idea is making them happy and not worrying about yourself. The kids did well and I am happy with getting the complete HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy collection as I never did get around to reading the entire series.

Amazing...I'll repeat the same exact thing for my own sitution (yes, even the part about getting the Hitchhiker's Guide collection!)...except in my case it's 2 young kids. ;)
John Reynolds said:
I got you all beat: my 17-month-old daughter snapped half the angled audio jacks for my living room's 5.1 sound system off the back of the sub. When you're used to surround sound it doesn't take long to notice its absence.
I guess we have something to look forward to.... We thought our 9 month old wasn't mobile until we'd left her sitting on the floor of the lounge room for 2 minutes and came back to find that she'd moved 2 metres to the the DVD & sound system, had a pile of DVDs/CDs in her lap and was pushing the buttons on the amp'.

For some strange reason, we've moved all the DVDs to a (hopefully) safer place. :?