Nvidia won't design GPU for Xbox 2?

"MS could make there chooice based on what NVidia does for the NV35 and what ATI and NVidia have planeed for future hardware improvments, MS are probably just looking at their options at the moment."

probably true. by the time NV40 is out and everyone knows how good or not good it is, that'll be too late for MS to make a decision wether or not to go with Nvidia. I too believe MS will make up their minds based on well NV35 performs.
Is MS that stupid?

No. However it does invoke some thought and trepidation. That's the goal to force someone to think about what they need to do, and put pressure on the timeframe that they have to make a decision.

Nvidia isn't doing too great currently at the top end of the graphics card industry. ATI is currently with Nintendo, who is left out there as a top or possibly high end performer PowerVR, 3D Labs.

If Nvidia continues to stumble as it has with the NV30, then Microsoft may want to look more closely at other options. Jensun may be trying to persuade them to make a faster decision where Nvidia still seems to be the best partner for the Xbox 2 gpu.

M$ has waited too long already, they would have needed to be partnered with a graphics card company and a IDM right about now to compete in cost/performance.
but they are not trying to compete cost wise... they are going to "again" compete by taking even larger losses on the HW which is exactly what Sony and Nintendo have been hoping MS would do...

Sure MS has a huge war-chest, but playing it smarter than them and making them bleed more and more money is the better thing for Sony and Nintendo in the long run...
Would a PVR solution be such a bad thing? Afterall, they made a pretty good success with the DC, which is still quite competetive gfx-wise now! Or are PVR that far behind now?
Well rumor has it that powervr has a dx9 core rdy or almost ready for the end of the year. If its clocked at 300-400mhz and is a full dx core they will be right around where nvidia and ati are. Considering that ati has hinted that the r400may slip
the next powervr PC card could be THE card to have in order to play doom3.
(see fablemark scores)

making it available around doom3 release would definitevely make sense !