(Whoah, what happened to the board?
I looked at all of them, and DAMN, they look SWEET. Dunno if 32-bit performance with NV40 will suck or not, but it seems visuals are good enough with just 16-bit buffers.
The guy speaking in the multiple lights demo mentions branching is required (and not just looping as the title suggest), and considering the number of lights on that teapot and the framerate, it doesn't seem as if performance takes that bad a hit after all.
The water in the last demo looks like total pap though.
It's a demo of a boat gliding around in a pond of KY gel or some such, hahaha. Technically it looks good, with reflections, refractions etc, but the water dynamics are all screwed up.
Not that any of this is NV40's fault though; like I said, technically it looks good.
The motion blur also seems nice. I dunno how the heck that's done, because traditionally it's been done by blending the previous frame with the current (which makes it look bad if there are large movements inbetween frames; esp if the camera rotates), but here it actually looks pretty decent! When the guy pauses the demo and spins the pot manually one can see it's not just blending the previous frame. I guess it must render the scene multiple times for each screen update and combine them or something like that. Hard to tell from a blurry video.
Also, the painting demo was AWESOME. I played around with a 2D paint program on a friend's Powermac back in the mid-90s, it was slow as f*ck with large brushes. I want a paint program like I saw there! Better UI, sure, but the speed and quality.... YUMMMM! And the fact it re-renders the entire screen in realtime when a slider is moved, AWESOME!
Wow. NV40 looks as if it might actually kick butt IMO!
Nvidia could have a winner on its hands this time 'round, FP filtering, shaders v3.0, possibly 16 pixel pipes, GDDR3... Mm-mm. Lookin good!