Reflex will do the limiting with FG since FG force enables Reflex. With vsync on on a Gsync monitor enabling Reflex will limit the fps below monitor's maximum refresh (116 for 120, 138 for 144, etc) to ensure that vsync rarely engages.V-Sync on fixes that, but I guess it could use Reflex to do the limiting.
So with a VRR monitor and gsync + FG you normally wouldn't get tearing unless your FPS goes higher than your refresh rate? And you have to driver enforce vsync to ensure no tearing if FPS > refresh rate?DLSS FG basically doesn't work with vsync since vsync destroys its framepacing and adds its own lag. With gsync and forced vsync you're getting automatic Reflex/driver limiter at some figure below your monitor maximum refresh which ensures that FG basically never hits vsync limit and in this case you get proper frame pacing. Without Gsync driver forced vsync locks the game at 1/2 refresh and uses FG to go up from there to vsync limit.
Well it depends on what you framerate is and what your monitor refresh is and if Gsync is working. You won't get tearing inside Gsync range with FG but you may get some at its edge and will get some outside of it without vsync.
So with a VRR monitor and gsync + FG you normally wouldn't get tearing unless your FPS goes higher than your refresh rate? And you have to driver enforce vsync to ensure no tearing if FPS > refresh rate?
This is incredibly complicated and I'm wondering why the optimal configuration is not the default configuration. Especially with MFG your framerate is almost guaranteed to exceed your refresh rate.
It's 512 kilobits per subcore i.e. 64 KB. Times 4 for 256 KB per SM16384x32 is 512KB but it's the same as with Lovelace.
It's the same as without FG. You could get tearing since some frames may be faster than others and exceed maximum refresh. But generally you shouldn't if you're well within the gsync range.So with a VRR monitor and gsync + FG you normally wouldn't get tearing unless your FPS goes higher than your refresh rate?
Again, same as without FG. The only difference is that with FG you can't control vsync from inside a game, you have to force it in the driver.And you have to driver enforce vsync to ensure no tearing if FPS > refresh rate?
If you set it to more than 2X sure. But we have to wait and see how it's actually working.Especially with MFG your framerate is almost guaranteed to exceed your refresh rate.
I doubt that FG can replace VRR. You still need to sync the frame output to the display device. VRR is the lowest possible latency solution for that.My feeling originally with the advent of frame generation was that it could possibly in the long run replace VRR, which would be in theory result in a better experience overall.
Reflex will do the limiting with FG since FG force enables Reflex. With vsync on on a Gsync monitor enabling Reflex will limit the fps below monitor's maximum refresh (116 for 120, 138 for 144, etc) to ensure that vsync rarely engages.
You can enable the same behavior from the driver though if you enable ultra low latency and then either force vsync there or enable it in game. This will also result in the same sub-refresh limit active on Gsync monitors.
NULL's limiter in the driver uses the same code as Reflex so this is something like forcing Reflex albeit less effective than when it is integrated into a game.
Nvidia Control Panel V-SYNC vs. In-game V-SYNC
While NVCP V-SYNC has no input lag reduction over in-game V-SYNC, and when used with G-SYNC + FPS limit, it will never engage, some in-game V-SYNC solutions may introduce their own frame buffer or frame pacing behaviors, enable triple buffer V-SYNC automatically (not optimal for the native double buffer of G-SYNC), or simply not function at all, and, thus, NVCP V-SYNC is the safest bet.
There are rare occasions, however, where V-SYNC will only function with the in-game option enabled, so if tearing or other anomalous behavior is observed with NVCP V-SYNC (or visa-versa), each solution should be tried until said behavior is resolved.
I doubt that FG can replace VRR. You still need to sync the frame output to the display device. VRR is the lowest possible latency solution for that.
We will be getting 500Hz+ monitors soon though and it's an interesting question on whether these will even need to use vsync.