NVIDIA achieves record revenue and 37.84% Gross Margins

dizietsma said:
I still think both have got it wrong, at least up to now, with not offering an AGP version of 7800/X1800, I would say there are quite a few people waiting on their old Intel AGP systems who do not want to go to AMD because Intel's new processors based on Pentium M are out in 2006 ..ie Conroe.

Maybe I should do a poll. Never done one, probably go horribly wrong and have just me vote and 300 replies saying that this is a stupid poll. :) Am I feeling brave?
IMHO, if these people have intel agp boards, then they are neither gamers nor pc-enthusiasts, so they would not buy such high-end cards...
I would have to disagree with you on both counts. I'm quite happy with the performance of my 3.4 Ghz prescott for gaming. It pisses me off that because I want to buy a 7800gtx I need to spend around $1000 on top of the $800 for the GFX Card to get a system that I'll be happy with.
Rys said:
Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see them laughing on public forums. People with nothing better to do might take it to public forums for debate, but the company itself is rarely the instigator or on the list of protagonists when the debate gets going.

A "public forum" is any place and any time a company makes public statements, such as the nV public statements Uttar began this thread with, and that I and several others have commented on here. A "forum" in general is not just an "Internet forum" such as these within B3d. Sorry you misunderstood.

It's an exercise in futility to constantly remind people of the past, Walt, since all you're doing is perpetuating the toys being thrown from the pram. If there's anything that's not needed in the 3D game, it's that.

Again, since it was not I who originally raised "the past" within this thread to begin with, I find it interesting that I am the only one you ever address whenever the past is raised, although many more besides me comment on the past and recall it just as clearly.

You may well believe you're treading just, righteous and wanted ground with what you do, but when you refuse to afford the same anger and vitriol in the other direction it just makes you look foolish. Maybe you're just not privvy to the volume of shit being thrown from red to green, but I don't believe you're that blind or that stupid.

Sigh...the anger and vitriol I see more of seems to be directed at me from you, as if any mention of the recent past is some kind of cultural taboo...;) Again, I'm simply stating the facts as I recall them, and as nothing more than the underpinnings of my own opinions. I'm sorry that you find my personal opinions so offensive and distressing.

Take the apparent blinkers off and maybe have a go at analysing the other side's blatant public problems, with the same intensity and purpose you afford NVIDIA's bad bits. See what you dig up for us. It'll serve you well.

I was commenting on the nV public statements to investors as related in this thread as they concerned market competition. If you can show me similar statements from ATi literally laughing in public venues at the suggestion that ATi has any competition, I would make the exact same criticisms.
WaltC said:
A "public forum" is any place and any time a company makes public statements, such as the nV public statements Uttar began this thread with, and that I and several others have commented on here. A "forum" in general is not just an "Internet forum" such as these within B3d. Sorry you misunderstood.
Sorry I did too.

WaltC said:
Again, since it was not I who originally raised "the past" within this thread to begin with, I find it interesting that I am the only one you ever address whenever the past is raised, although many more besides me comment on the past and recall it just as clearly.
You're the only one who pushes it in the vast majority of their posts. Other people have other things to say, you seemingly don't. I struggle to recall your good posts where you aren't dragging it all up from years gone by. Maybe that's my blinkers in action, though.

WaltC said:
Sigh...the anger and vitriol I see more of seems to be directed at me from you, as if any mention of the recent past is some kind of cultural taboo...;) Again, I'm simply stating the facts as I recall them, and as nothing more than the underpinnings of my own opinions. I'm sorry that you find my personal opinions so offensive and distressing.
I'm not angry (heh, far from it) with you and neither am I offended or distressed in any way. Just immensely disappointed that the one concrete opinion you choose to forcefully display is one where you don't like NVIDIA for PR mistakes, while blindly ignoring ATI's own. It makes me sad that otherwise smart people can't see the wood from the trees.

WaltC said:
I was commenting on the nV public statements to investors as related in this thread as they concerned market competition. If you can show me similar statements from ATi literally laughing in public venues at the suggestion that ATi has any competition, I would make the exact same criticisms.
So the 'we don't have competition' thing is the only thing you latch on to and post about? Give me a break dude. There's more than one colour of mud thrown and you have fun with all the shades. Picking out that one example shows the blinkers are tightened as much as ever.

And whether someone else brings up the past or not is no need for you to chime in one more time. The horse has had enough.
chavvdarrr said:
IMHO, if these people have intel agp boards, then they are neither gamers nor pc-enthusiasts, so they would not buy such high-end cards...


I think you'd find an Asus P4C800 with air cooled Dothan Pentium M will rings around any FX-57 / nforce4 systemn for single video card if the X1800 / 7800 was available in AGP flavour.

Dothan > Fx-57
geo said:
Shouldn't there be another of these coming up? Uttar, are you going to provide your usual excellence in recapping/providing juicy quotes?
I'll try to, but I've got a bunch of homework to do for Thursday, so I'm a bit skeptical it's "safe" for me to. Anyhow, I'll do my best to free up some time for it :)http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=116466&p=irol-IRHome
A couple more webcast Financial events after that too.
Yep, can't remember NVIDIA having so many financial events in such a short basis before - I'm wondering why they're preseting themselves at so many, seems like they might have an afterthought here, imo...

As for the whole "laughing" thing - TBH, I'll say everyone's interpretation of it here feels like a massive exageration, although I guess that's because my report on it wasn't very accurate either.

Basically, iirc, the question was aking them how they felt ATI's launch could affect them and how prepared they were, and they basically started by laughing and then responding jokingly saying they were prepared for, well, anything, since they couldn't know exactly what was going to be launched. So they weren't guarateeing at all to have the lead, just they felt they were in a proper position to counter ATI's moves as need be.
If anything, I would tend to believe the 6800GS and the 7800GTX 512MB are more than adequate counters. Furthermore, I remember NVIDIA saying in a earlier conference call that they considered ATI as a "dangerous competitor", so I wouldn't say they're being too arrogant in general; just they didn't feel too threatened by ATI's upcoming launch, and in the end they were right about it too, at least imo (although I'll admit the new G72/G73 timeframes are pitiful at best).

Uttar said:
I'll try to, but I've got a bunch of homework to do for Thursday, so I'm a bit skeptical it's "safe" for me to. Anyhow, I'll do my best to free up some time for it :)

Well, it's recorded, so you could always do it later on Thursday, or even Friday. So long as we know you're gonna do it, it'll save me from doing it. :LOL: I'll listen anyway, of course, I just mean all that back-and-forth note taking part. At least that ends up being the way I do it.
dizietsma said:
I think there is far too much emphasis on this forum on profits and share price in this forum but of course that is because neither interest me at all. Profits for both have been up and down in recent years but they still chunk out impressive video cards when they get it right.

Financial performance provides context for the endless arguments around the high-end product releases. Listening to the conference calls can provide useful background information on upcoming products, as well as illustrate the relative importance of "mainstream/low-end" products to a companys well being. Not interested? There are plenty of threads discussing the latest optimizations/driver bugs.

[edit] And yes, some of us are interested in the industry for reasons other than nvidiocy/fanaticism ;)
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WaltC said:
Agreed. The entire nV3x saga cost nVidia the top spot in the market, cost them the x-box, and ate up a ton of whatever good will the company had accumulated. Ati not only surpassed nV in mindshare at the time, but also in marketshare--marketshare nV is furiously trying to recover even now. As JHH put it so well, "nV30 was a mistake." Amen...;) It's too bad it took them a couple of years to figure that out, though, as I believe had they realized the mistake much sooner their damage would have been far less. I'm glad to see that nV isn't completely shattered, though, as competition is always a good thing. Uttar's report, while encouraging, is certainly not the watershed some think it is, however. ATi would have to make the same kind, type, and degree of mistakes, over the same span of years, that nVidia made with nV3x, and I consider that highly unlikely--although surely not impossible...;)

Have you been around since the introduction of the x800XT-PE?

ATI has been basically stepping on their own toes for the past 18months and it doesnt appear to be getting any better for them either.