NZ - ps3 > 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wii (I believe up until last year the 360 was leading the ps3)
OZ - wii > ps3 > 360
Actually theyve become more relavant in real terms, the USA & UK (& I guess most western countries) have had massive dropoffs in console revenue ~30% a year for the last couple of years. PPl have blamed this on a couple of things finicial crisis (which apparently wasnt happening in 2008-09), download etc. OK sure these have all played a part, but you know whats played the largest part in the downturn? the rise of the tablet/smartphone this is impacted console sales esp in the west, for some reason the japanese are not so caught up in this like we are.
3DS april->september 2012 shipment sales (the most recent data)
Japan 2.09 million
NA 1.39 million
Other 1.58 million
yes thats right to nintendo Japan is the most important market!
Last generation (the DS) Japan was about half either NA or others, its not that the japanese have suddenly become rich and buying more (in fact theyre buying less, its just the dropoff is way less pronounced than elsewhere)