Not sure it's B3D problem but...

London Geezer

Well, i keep getting this email into my Inbox, i get at least 2 every day and it's been happening for 2 weeks now. It's a "Mail delivery system: message returned to sender" or whatever.....

Mail Delivery System <> to me

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
This message has been rejected because it has
a potentially executable attachment ""
This form of attachment has been used by
recent viruses or other malware.
If you meant to send this file then please
package it up as a zip file and resend it.

What is this all about?? Does it have anything to do with the automatic email service thing when posting on the forums, which by the way i have disabled, or is it one of those viruses?? They are soooooo last year...
l-b's caught a virus, l-b's caught a virus.
from the pcrn-site he was vi-si-ting and down-loa-ding pcrn-vi-de-os :LOL:
It does look suspisciously like some trojan has been sending an email with attachment.

I suggest you run Ad-Aware or some similar software to get rid of ad software, and then Anti Vir or other virus scanner.
rabidrabbit said:
It does look suspisciously like some trojan has been sending an email with attachment.

I suggest you run Ad-Aware or some similar software to get rid of ad software, and then Anti Vir or other virus scanner.

Well it's all done by Gmail, i have no viruses here because i'm at work and we're safe. It's very strange that it would use the gmail address since i have the work one running on Outlook. I guess it's all down to security...
It just sounds fishy, cause the virus is not on my PC.
Have you even been sending mail to Wavey? If not, then it is indeed strange.
Maybe you have sent some message with text MP3 in it, and the G-Mail somehow thinks it is an attachment and blocks it.

Or if it is your workplace's security. At least where I work the security doesn't even show any results if tried to search google with MP3.
rabidrabbit said:
Have you even been sending mail to Wavey? If not, then it is indeed strange.
Maybe you have sent some message with text MP3 in it, and the G-Mail somehow thinks it is an attachment and blocks it.

Or if it is your workplace's security. At least where I work the security doesn't even show any results if tried to search google with MP3.

I don't know who wavey @ B3D is, i have never sent him an email, and i have never sent MP3 by email. So it is very strange.
Wavey Dave, that Dave Bummann guy or something. I think he's supposed to be some kind of "big wig" in B3D.
Has he sent you something by email, like G-Mail invitations?
rabidrabbit said:
Wavey Dave, that Dave Bummann guy or something. I think he's supposed to be some kind of "big wig" in B3D.
Has he sent you something by email, like G-Mail invitations?

Oh, so Wavey is Dave??? Mmmmm the mystery gets trickier!!! :LOL:
I got my gmail invitation from someone else.
And no, i never exchanged emails with him... He wasn't even in my contact list?!!!
You may remember a while back that some virus's have been spoofing mail addresses from websites - my B3D adress is available openly on the front page which means anyone/thing can fish for it and use it in virus's.
DaveBaumann said:
You may remember a while back that some virus's have been spoofing mail addresses from websites - my B3D adress is available openly on the front page which means anyone/thing can fish for it and use it in virus's.

So... How do i stop it? Cause the virus aint on my PC.
If this is incoming mail, you probably can't - someone else has a virus and it is probably using your address in the "from" field so its being returned to you.
DaveBaumann said:
If this is incoming mail, you probably can't - someone else has a virus and it is probably using your address in the "from" field so its being returned to you.

Well, the thing is that "apparently" i'd be sending the email to this wav... YOU... with the MP3, and the mail is coming back to me because the attachment is "wrong"...

Thing is, it's all Gmail's problem cause i have no viruses on my PC, and i access Gmail from other PCs too...
No, what I'm saying is that someone elses system may be sending the mail, but putting your address as the sender which means that you end up getting the bounce notification even though you didn't send the mail.

I get roughly 200 mails a day along these lines - all bounces because people are using my address as the sent list. Just another reason why I believe the email concept as it stands at the moment is 'broke'.
DaveBaumann said:
No, what I'm saying is that someone elses system may be sending the mail, but putting your address as the sender which means that you end up getting the bounce notification even though you didn't send the mail.

I get roughly 200 mails a day along these lines - all bounces because people are using my address as the sent list. Just another reason why I believe the email concept as it stands at the moment is 'broke'.

Ohh i see... :oops:
So there is nothing i can do about it...? NICE!!! errr...
You might be able to interrogate the header to track where it is actually coming from and then inform them, but I suspect that will be ultimately futile.
DaveBaumann said:
You might be able to interrogate the header to track where it is actually coming from and then inform them, but I suspect that will be ultimately futile.

Cool, thanks Dave. I won't even try, but thanks!! :D
london-boy said:
rabidrabbit said:
Wavey Dave, that Dave Bummann guy or something. I think he's supposed to be some kind of "big wig" in B3D.
Has he sent you something by email, like G-Mail invitations?

Oh, so Wavey is Dave??? Mmmmm the mystery gets trickier!!! :LOL:
I got my gmail invitation from someone else.
And no, i never exchanged emails with him... He wasn't even in my contact list?!!!

You don'y know wavey should immedietely b3d folding@home team... 8)
i've got the same problem for more than a month now
traced the received-from ip to south africa, quite off the route from Czech republic (Central Europe) to USA :p