No PSEye download title reviews?

Shifty Geezer

The software's been free to download for a while now right? And yet no-one in the whole internet has had a look and has anything to report?
Kotaku have at least posted some screenshots.

Shows the level of functionality. And it seems the interface isn't camera driven? They haven't said it is, and the menu items are fixed to buttons.
I would think there are some very obvious reasons for why camera driven interface would be problematic for this device.

I still have to convince our company to get these in our two offices for video conferencing (seeing as 4 coworkers already of PS3s at home anyway ...) :D
I am going to do it tonight. Fry's, GameStop and BB didn't have it when I walked in yesterday (and yes, I also have something to comment about Sony's negligence on PS Eye... just like PSP)
The software's been free to download for a while now right? And yet no-one in the whole internet has had a look and has anything to report?
For a while? I only saw it on PSN for the first time a few days ago. (Granted it may have been buried in another section.)

And for the most part, I assume people are waiting for their Eye to show up with that card game to experiment with anything else. ;)
A quick one since I have stuff to do tonight...

Ok I tried it. For anyone who's used Apple's Photo Booth, EyeCreate is similar but deeper. The use of the controller is less natural than a mouse, but it's very easy to use. There are quite a few photo/video effects such as neon glow, stop motion to choose from. You can also add (up to 1) audio track to the video but all you can do is to save the "movie" to PS3's HDD.

Because PS Home was delayed, there is very little context for EyeCreate. It remains largely a curiosity for now. :( Still not sure why they don't want to/have not augment the XMB and Blu-ray player UI with PS Eye.

If Sony introduces a robust, minority report style UI for its player, it can appeal to more people since everyone can appreciate convenience (No need to look for remote). It is not necessary to rely solely on Blu-ray from the get-go. Simply market PS3 has the most advanced DVD and Blu-ray player in the world. Then continue to convert them to try out Blu-ray movies and games. As long as the UI is fun to use, people will buy more Blu-ray movies and games to "see" it (e.g., using a cue followed by a wave of hand to fast forward/rewind Blu-ray movies). The current player UI is very convoluted and clumsy anyway.

I have not tried Eye of Judgment yet (My office is too cluttered now).
I've changed the title to cast the net a little wider and cover the 6-8 titles Arwin mentioned in the EoJ thread. Anyone got any reviews on the other download titles? I'd like to hear about the critter one. Is that even out yet?
I just posted a little blurb about Creature Feature (and Aquatopia) here.

I like Creature Feature. When I watched the Topoq review above, I am wondering if you really need to wave/fling your hands to move the ball. In Creature Feature, I can move the Blurbs by keeping my hands steady and slow. The response is pleasantly good.