Again, just to remind you that Xbox designers went to all the trouble to ensure that proper HDTV support is implemented from the very dashboard, as to be the easiest possible (no need to boot the game pressing button combinations to enable progressive mode) It's not like 480p support is haphazardly added to all the games - it's encouraged from the basic system interface. Their intention to make system support HDTV modes was very clear, and it's not just the product of developer's good will.Xbox games are 480p because the GPU renders progressive natively NOT because they think a lot of people will have HDTV hooked up to Xbox
I can bet my ass that if MS went to all that trouble to support HDTV modes today they will strongly encourage supporting even higher resolutions in 2-3 years. There's just no reason not to. Even if not letting Microsoft better them is Sony's sole reason to do the same, I'm betting they will go for it (and knowing Kutaragi's lack of modesty, they would push for it anyways)