New to Beyond3D

Wow! mrsabidji's first post :D took you long enough ;).

Even though you registered in February, I guess I should welcome you to the B3D forums ;). I also expect DigitalWanderer to welcome you to the R3D forums :devilish:.

For those of you who don't know: mrsabidji is incapable of growing manly facial hair :p.
/me welcomes Devourer to B3D and gives him a coupon to spend the night with Bouncing Betty

Welcome to B3D, Devourer :) don't let the fire-ants bite!
PenguinJim said:
/me welcomes Devourer to B3D and gives him a coupon to spend the night with Bouncing Betty

Welcome to B3D, Devourer :) don't let the fire-ants bite!
Thanks! i'll look out for the fire ants.

/me hands the Bouncing Betty to his man servant Razor.
PenguinJim said:
Shall SubZero, mrsabidji and I not also receive welcomes from AAlcHemY? Is Lord AAlcHemY too mighty and above us to address us? :p :D
Yeah, think so. :) Anyway, a welcome to SubZero and mrsabidji.

And maybe you too mr gay porn star, dont forget to wear the spam hat. ;)
AAlcHemY said:
And maybe you too mr gay porn star
I believe the correct title is "mr gay porn star in training".

You need to be doing it for a camera for it to qualify you, and if you had the picts I'm pretty sure we all would have seen 'em by now! ;)
digitalwanderer said:
AAlcHemY said:
And maybe you too mr gay porn star
I believe the correct title is "mr gay porn star in training".

You need to be doing it for a camera for it to qualify you, and if you had the picts I'm pretty sure we all would have seen 'em by now! ;)
If I didn't know better I might think you were asking DW. :p
The last time I posted them (at EB), you requested that links to gay porn not be placed in the forums. :devilish: :p

Someone PM'd me asking for more... ;)