New to Beyond3D


whats up everyone,

my first post here at the forums, have been lurking in the shadows for a while, checking out the site. decided to join in on the fun

SubZero said:
whats up everyone,

my first post here at the forums, have been lurking in the shadows for a while, checking out the site. decided to join in on the fun

welcome to the boards. Yeah took me a while to join too. Hope your stay is as much fun as mine has.
PenguinJim said:
I'm new here too! Hello everyone :D. I hope we can all be super-friends! I'll probably mostly lurk. Mostly. ;)
I was SO gonna post up something totally innapropriate...but then I realized that only a couple of people here might know you and I know each other so they wouldn't get the funnay and would just think I'm a total prick.

GUESS what I was gonna say! :p

Welcome to B3D PJ, good to see you finally joined up. :)
digitalwanderer said:
GUESS what I was gonna say! :p
"PJ, you're the love of my life. Let's get married in Vegas!"?

I can't guess :D you'd best tell me! Anyone else: he's not being a prick! (is he ever? :p)

Edit: and thanks for the welcome, btw ;)
PenguinJim said:
digitalwanderer said:
GUESS what I was gonna say! :p
"PJ, you're the love of my life. Let's get married in Vegas!"?

Not quite...I'm already spoken for, remember? ;)

Good to see you here, you're gonna LOVE some of the discussions/attitudes in the General Forum here....I can already see you adding to the debates already. 8)
Oh yeah, I first read your post here whilst still on me first cup of coffee and wrote you a nice greetz thread since I couldn't find this one again after looking all over for it....

Unfortunately, I put it not just in the wrong forum but the the entirely wrong bloody website. :rolleyes:

Sorry. On the brightside you got a warm welcome for you over at R3D, and you gotta admit that it does sound like a classic me thing to do. :LOL:
Bets on how long until PJ hits on Natoma with every post? (He hits on me in IRC all the time. It's scary.)
SubZero said:
whats up everyone,

my first post here at the forums, have been lurking in the shadows for a while, checking out the site. decided to join in on the fun


hello and welcome :)
Great. I'm now a member of Rage3D :D.

Lots of familiar faces here, I see :): K.I.L.E.R the Oztralien, Sazar the DBZ fan, TheBaron (who keeps flirting with me on IRC - it's scary! :devilish: ), and of course, The Digi :).

Sorry to hijack your thread, SubZero!!! :devilish:
Natoma said:
Beware the agents of darkness. You know who they are. :devilish:
Natoma... perhaps we should discuss these agents of darkness in more detail... free for dinner? ;)
PenguinJim said:
Natoma... perhaps we should discuss these agents of darkness in more detail... free for dinner? ;)
Down Tiger, the man is engaged. ;)

I can't believe I wrote a greets thread to you at Rage3D instead of here, I am SO flaky lately! :LOL:

Sorry for the hijack SubZero, but welcome to Beyond3D belatedly from me and I hope your time here is happy time! 8)
PenguinJim said:
It's not over until someone says "I do"! :devilish:
NOT true! That is an old wives tale! :devilish:

I never said "I do", I said "si". ;)
We got married in Mexico and since the judge tried hard and did the ceremony in broken english we decided to take our vows in Spanish. "Si" is about all I know in spanish besides cervace(sic) and banjo and neither of those seemed apprapo.)
This will make PJ feel right at home ;)
