New rig - gfx dilemma


Hello folks.
Let me join the countless over and over repeated purchase decision questions too.
Since last october, I'm seriously thinking about upgrading my (now almost ancient) rig (P4 2.4GHz, R9800, 1GB DDR1, AGP system).
I patiently waited and waited (last time for price drops of C2D). The thing is I can't wait anymore.
The rig will be C2D E6420, 2GB DDR2 800 RAM (the cheapest - I know, I know), Asus P5B-E or P5N-E (can't decide still, but I'm leaning towards P5B-E although it's bit more expensive than P5N-E) and the graphics card. I wanted GF8800GTS 640MB, but was also considering the 320MB version. Now the questions regarding the GFX because I haven't been really following the happenings in that area in last year or so:

1) Would it be better to buy the cheapest PCI-E card (X300 SE) for about 14 euro and wait what comes out of the AMD/ATI R600 launch, then buy whatever is the best bang for the buck in may/june?
2) Buy GF8800GTS 640 now and enjoy it for now, but possibly regret the purchase 2 months later (AMD launch, price drops)
3) Pick different MB with onboard gfx and wait as in 1)?
4) Some other alternative?

Note: I'm also playing older games (mostly Quake2, but also some others). As I'm not exactly rich, I expect this rig should last me for another 2-3 years atleast without major upgrades (I know gaming experience will suffer then, but then again my R9800 does "decently well" even in most games I play(ed) - NWN2, WoW, HL2, Q4).

Thanks for suggestions
If you're keeping this rig for 2-3 years, then I'd go for the "cheapest vid card you can find" route. By early June worst case you'll have saved at least as much money as that card cost you by waiting. AMDs launches and NV's responses will almost certainly make that true, whichever card you end up buying.
I also say wait a while and take the best price/performance (or if you so wish the fastest regardless of cost) card available after the R600 launch. If you're patient enough, of course.
Thanks for the responses guys, you confirm what I already thought. But I'm just so tempted to buy the 8800gts now :)

Damn, I think I can be persuaded way too easily. I guess I'll survive with the X300 for 2 months or so. Do you have any idea whether WoW will be playable with that lowest-end stuff?
It should be playable given WoWs lower end graphics engine, you just might get issues with the shared memory of the X300s. No idea if it's an issue with WoW thought as it is in some games.