New Multiplayer GRAW2 Demo: February 26

The shadows of the leaves on objects moving as the wind blows was a pretty cool!

To be honest I didn't like them. Yes, technically it was really good shadowing. Cascading shadow maps I'd guess (as they update slower in the distance). Inside buildings in particular looked wonderful, but the actual waving-in-the-wind effect was way, way overdone for my taste. No subtlety. Tree branches were moving several metres in a obvious sine wave pattern.
Some other effects were a bit odd too, the water stream near where you start seemed to be running 10x faster than it really should... Odd smoke effects, etc.

There were no obvious post processing effects, and the smoke didn't seem to have shadows cast on it, which would have looked great. If they put in some dust areas, that were heavily shadowed, it would look great (seeing light beams through the dust, etc).

Unfortunately I've also been spoilt by gear's movement. This demo felt very, very sloppy in comparison. There was far too much dampening on the player movement, something I didn't notice in the single player demo. It just seemed to lack and sense of precision. If you jab the movement stick, your character spends most of the time speeding up and slowing down, so you end up moving much further than you expect. :/

And I'm not sure what was up with the ping readout either... They always turned into flashing scrolling disco lights

But otherwise it was good :) I'm overly critical sometimes.
some IGN impressions

they really did an unbelievable job on the visuals (2nd gen 360 game WOW :oops:) although I'm still disappointed in the somewhat floaty MP controls.

5. War is a beautiful thing
We deliberately left this comment until last, for fear that we'd be labelled graphics whores. But after playing our session, there's simply no denying that GRAW2 is to the first game as Jessica Simpson is to Ashlee. Much, much, much hotter. At first glance the differences aren't huge, but it doesn't take long for them to shine through. The devs have dived into the 360's hardware to crank up the anti-aliasing, leading to much fewer jaggies than the first game. It's crystal clear as far as the eye can see, yet performance remains smoother than a polished 7.62mm cartridge.

Dust and debris effects have been pumped through the roof, and watching the smoke from a burning truck getting shifted by the downwash of an incoming chopper is a subtle, yet very realistic effect. In fact, all smoke effects are now subject to wind change, be it from a gentle North Easterly or a slightly more immediate explosion.

Heat rippling in the distance has been exaggerated greatly, and objects seem to cast a strange shadow, even while floating through the air. We've never seen this strange shadow in real life (except after rather heavy partying), but it looks cool in the game. Even the character animations look smoother, with better blending and less jerky time between different moves....

But where the graphics have improved most are the explosions, which now punch you in the retina like no game before. Instead of just the standard flamey, smokey components to a bomb blast, explosions are comprised of multiple graphical elements. First there's the rapidly expanding shockwave, flinging a shower of smoke-trailing debris through the air. This is then followed by the usual smokey, flamey bits.

We had minutes of fun slowly destroying cars with our machine guns. Fire a few rounds into a tire and it'll deflate, tilting the entire car. A few more rounds and the wheel falls off. Aiming at the windows resulted in the expected shattering, and even the doors could be shot off. After a good magazine or two, the car starts to smoulder, and then "Whump", she's in flames. Finish it off with another clip and the car explodes end over end. If we were to review GRAW2 from the perspective of a demolition derby driver, it'd get at least a nine.
some IGN impressions

they really did an unbelievable job on the visuals (2nd gen 360 game WOW :oops:) although I'm still disappointed in the somewhat floaty MP controls.

I agree. While the graphic is totally amazing, in MP the movement doesn't feel natural. After playing Rainbow Six, most other shooters don't feel right. Rainbow Six, somehow nailed it down pretty well. However, one aspect I like about Ghost Recon is it's MP options. When you're over your friends house, it's easier to play MP on the same console.

However after playing with the demo, I would get GRAW2. I had blast on the first one, so GRAW2 would be a nice break from Rainbow Six, GeOW and the incredibly addictive Crackdown.