New motherboard, frustration


Senior Lurker
Well, i just got a new motherboard, an abit NF7-S v2.
Put everything together, and tried to boot - got a nifty continuous short beep code and a display that says "you idiot, you didnt plug in your radeon 9700's extra power cable", at which point (after about 6 beeps) i realized that I had forgotten to plug in the extra power adapter on my Radeon 9700 (what can i say, I'm a swift guy! :)). So i powered off the system, waited about 20 seonds, and then plugged in the video card's power connector.

I get nothing, nada, zilch. I mean NOTHING. The red LED on the motherboard that means "Power is on" stays lit, but pressing the power button does nothing. Before, the green LED next to the red one would light up - but now, nothing. It doesnt even try to boot. I don't really know what the hell the problem is. I've cleared the CMOS like 30 times.
the processor is know good, as is the ram and video card. besides, even if they werent, the motherboard should do SOMETHING, right?

SO i guess that means either the board i got is wack, or i have some sort of funky PSU problem.

Anything i am missing?
between my jobs, i don't have much time to work on my computer, and this is really frustrating me hugely. I don't think i can even look at the damn thing right now without kicking the POS out the window. I want to do that scene from Office Space with the printer, but my computer instead.

Oh well.
just tested with my ancient 200watt PSU - boots fine.
Damn PSU. First a motherboard, then PSU.
I am cursed :(
At least my frustration is over, i can now relax, buy a new PSU tomorrow, and enjoy life.