New F-Zero Pics

I can assure you that I have no idea what a hurkleee or a phuphu is

In all seriousness though I'm not really sure what you mean by that?

I was trying to express some sort of emotion, maybe the classical #cough# or something would have been better! :D

Btw i totally agree with the thing you said about /if i understand you that
the gfx STILL is imported even running like a lightning.
A game that i think has that GREAT gfx and reminds of this game is ExtremeG3.

The pictures looks real nice and seems to have great lightning but honestly i will watch F-zero a little closer just because the hybrid thing with SEGA, nostalgy.
overclocked said:
A game that i think has that GREAT gfx and reminds of this game is ExtremeG3.

XG3 is crap. Disgustingly boring. Gargantuan courses with a meagre 12 vehicles on the track...

F-Zero X has 30 vehicles per race.
Tagrineth said XG3 is crap. Disgustingly boring. Gargantuan courses with a meagre 12 vehicles on the track...

F-Zero X has 30 vehicles per race.

But you still do agree that it has great gfx, regardless of gameplay.
DeathKnight said:
Keep in mind that they're screens from the arcade version that can take advantage of twice the amount of main memory ;)

well, being the GPU and CPU are identicle, that doesnt affect anything, especially since its being coded on a dev kit that has less than the GC system.
overclocked said:
But you still do agree that it has great gfx, regardless of gameplay.

True, I guess. Most of the greatness is a direct result of the gargantuan draw distance though... IMO.

I say: The most impressive and directly beneficial thing about today's console power is the fantastic draw distance. :) Anyone remember Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on N64, where half the time you couldn't see the other side of a small room?
that doesnt affect anything
Sure it does: asset size. We'll see how it turns out in the end.

Looks pretty good though, but not mindblowing. If my sister was into racing games I'd make her buy it for her Cube then I could play it :p
F-Zero AC and GC are supposed to look exactly the same. The extra RAM can and most likely will be used mostly to speed up load times.
Tagrineth - True, I guess. Most of the greatness is a direct result of the gargantuan draw distance though... IMO.

I say: The most impressive and directly beneficial thing about today's console power is the fantastic draw distance. Anyone remember Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on N64, where half the time you couldn't see the other side of a small room?

You mean the "famous" fog from the N64 time... :D
on the fact that its an arcade system running it is no big deal , they load the whole game into ram so there is no load up time.

Also this is a sega game. Did you expect anything less ?