New batches of 360s this week/weekend

Guden Oden said:
Well that'll sure satisfy supply... ;)

You mean demand correct ?

Anyway we are supposed to get more units thursday from what iunderstand . So if its another 4 or 5 we'd be at 8-10 units which is only 6 shy of our initial shipment . Not so bad
Bill said:
I thought you had to buy the $40 cables if you had a that you can do it for 20, it's almost not a bad deal if you miss out on the premium pak.

component cable is included in the box... why buy another?
hey69 said:
component cable is included in the box... why buy another?

Component cables are not included in the core system box. Just a standard single line video with L/R audio.
scooby_dooby said:
We remain on track to ship 2.75 to 3.0 million consoles in the first 90 days.
Nice vauge statment you put so much weight on. I'm more interested to know how many they have shipped since launch, but they most likely don't want to tell us what that obviously small number is.
lol, vague statement? What about "we remain on track" is vague? That's a definitive statement that things are going as planned(the estimate they gave 3 weeks ago was also 2.75-3). Give it up dude, the conspiracy theory is over..
I made no claims of conspiracy, dude. If you don't see any vagueness in their statment, how about you lay down the specifics of how MS's track is supposed to flow? Does mean there are manfactureing at full capacity already and will have a constant flow that will top 3 million withen 90 days of launch. Or might it mean they are in limited production now but MS plans to ramp that up considerably early next year and still wind up with over 3 million out in the next few months? So which one is it or is it something else; and if there statement is not vauge in your opinion, then where do you find that information in it? Or are you just so blindly loyal to MS that you are wallowing in a pit of denial, dude?
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jvd said:
You mean demand correct ?
Correct. D'OH! :) My mind must have been elsewhere...

which is only 6 shy of our initial shipment . Not so bad
And how many shy of the amount you could actually have sold over this period? :) Not out to rag on you or MS, I'm just sort of mildly amused it's seen as something big another 4-5 consoles will be delivered in the next week or so... Heh, maybe you ought to provide bodyguards to those customers, so they don't get robbed. ;)

My 360 is of course secured. It's not been delivered to the store yet, but the guy I talked to said they had started to get peripherals now. I didn't bother to ask which ones exactly, because it isn't really important.

Due to the lack of interesting launch games for the 360, I'll probably snag an extra controller for some two-player gaming with an old highschool mate on his bigass projector screen over xmas, definitely the charge pack (cheap MS bastards!) and perhaps the wifi USB unit as well. Not that it'll be any real use to me seeing as I lack a wifi router, it'd just be cool to have I thought. ;) Hope the camera is released soon, I hate waiting for neat gadgets.