New ATiTool and Radlinker!


I just got the news in me inbox that Wizzard has just released a new 0.0.22 version of the ever popular ATiTool. (I fell in love with ATiTool when I found out it could change the way the fan behaved on my X800 pro, just too cool! :D )

Also of note is that ChrisW put out a new version of Radlinker yesterday, bringing the current build up to version 1.014 and fixing some gamma issues. (I just instantly fell in love with Radlinker's per game settings, how can you not?!?!)

These two tools are pretty much absolute essentials if you own an ATi card, I highly recomend both and that you keep updated with the latest versions.
Checked out ATiTool earlier today - before NAV decided to crash and hose itself permanently; no point in renewing THAT subscription again, think I'll just switch to mcaffee instead thankyouverymuch - and I don't notice any difference from before apart from the (extremely discouraging) memory timings window. :)

Now, this is not a criticism! The program rules so much already the only thing it needs is to become another tab in the advanced display properties. That would be great.

Edit: This version fixed the crash in 3DMark 2001 when separate 2D/3D speeds are used, but now instead causes a crash in 3DMark 2003... ;) Loading the desired profile first and then exiting the program fixes that.