Need some help with math

Sorry. Didn't mean for everyone to go through so much trouble. He said the course is "agebra and trig." If there really aren't any clear answers that is ok. It's a college course and it's for some type of engineering. I guess he will need to hit the books for that class.
Oh come on he hasn't even met the fun of calculus yet. Now that has a lot of pain in the ass canceling rules. Is there any use for implict differentiation or is it just another and harder way to differentiate.
It's no big deal. I was happy to help. :smile: I was a graduate instructor for a couple of years (Calculus I and II, Linear Algebra) - horrible pay but it was (mostly) wonderful.

Or the fun of graduate level Complex Analysis. :cry:

Yes, implicit differentiation is quite important I'm afraid. :smile: Have you taken Calculus of Several Variables yet? (senior undergrad level)
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Nope first day off to college. But I took AP Calc. in high school so I atleast know what to expect up to that level. Going bachwards whatgg ever that was called was quite simple but it has been a year so I have to refresh my memory. We stopped just before differential equations in highschool.
akira888 said:
Um, the square of 5 + (3x+2)^0.5 is 25 + 10 * sqrt(3x+2) + (3x+2), not 25 + (3x+2)

(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2
(a+b)^2 != a^2 + b^2
oops, my bad... (hangs head in shame)

=Xenus]sqrt(3 - 3x) * sqrt(3 - 3x) = 3 + ( sqrt(3) * sqrt(3x) ) + ( sqrt(3) * sqrt(3x) ) + 3x

should be

sqrt(3 - 3x) * sqrt(3 - 3x) = 3 + ( sqrt(3) * sqrt(-3x) ) + ( sqrt(3) * sqrt(-3x) ) + 3x
sqrt(3-3x) != sqrt(3) -sqrt(3x), so both are wrong. ;)

Been years since I've had to do any sort of quadratic algebra, the rust is showing. Anyway here's my latest stab at working it out:

sqrt(3-3x) = 5+ sqrt(3x+2)

[squared both sides of the eqn]

(3-3x) = 25 + 2*5*sqrt(3x+2) + (3x+2)


10*sqrt(3x+2) = -(6x+24)

[square again]

100*(3x+2) = 36*(x²+8x+16)


x² + 8x - (100/12)x + 16 - (100/18) = 0
x² - (1/3)x + (94/9) = 0

eqn is of the form ax²+bx+c, using the quadratic formula
x = -b ± (sqrt(b² - 4*a*c))÷(2*a)

but because (b² - 4*a*c) here gives us a negative result the roots are complex.
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