Need beta-testers!


Hello all! I'm hoping this is the right forum for this...

I've been working on a web/turn-based strategy sci-fi game for some time now, and would like the next "round" to stress-test it a bit more than the current max of 50 or so players. If you wish to help me out, point your browser to: and sign up.

The planet creation phase will be open for the better part of the week; once I have critical mass of planets involved I will start the turn-generator engines and away we'll go. A "round" consists of 300 game years wherein one month is represented by one "turn", which passes in 20 real-life minutes. That means a full round lasts just under 2 real-life months. This makes for a fairly brisk pace and things can get pretty exciting. There are 20 playable races, each with unique abilities, units and structures. In-game features involve planet development, research, unit-building, intelligence gathering and a huge emphasis on diplomacy.

For more information, email me at

Thank you for your time.