// This shader was generated procedurally using the
// NVidia fragment shader generator. While it may seem
// inefficient to make so many function calls, they will
// become inlined in the compiled CG shader.
#include "nvdemo_fs_lib.fp30"
#include "Mermaid_include.fp30"
struct v2fConnector {
float4 projCoord : POSITION;
float3 tanSpotLight0Dir : TEX0;
float3 tanSpotLight0HalfAngle : TEX1;
float2 c_texCoord : TEX2;
float2 c_texCoord1 : TEX3;
float3 eyeNormal : TEX4; // for scales cubemap lookup
float3 tanPointLight0Dir : TEX5;
float3 eyeCoord : TEX6; // to compute attenuation of Sea creature light
float4 SPOTLIGHTPROJCOORD : TEX7; // projection for caustics / depth shadows
half3 SkinShader(v2fConnector v2f,
float softshadows,
half3 diffmap,
texobj2D c_specular,
texobj2D c_bumpCol,
texobj2D subsurface_blurred,
texobj2D shadowDepthMap,
uniform sampler3D g_caustics,
float g_caustics_z,
float3 fillcolor,
float3 g_eyePointLight0Pos,
float3 g_LColor)
// UVs should be computed in VS
float3 uvs;
uvs.xy = (v2f.SPOTLIGHTPROJCOORD.xy / v2f.SPOTLIGHTPROJCOORD.w) * float2(3, 3);
uvs.z = g_caustics_z;
half3 causticsAnim = h3tex3D(g_caustics, uvs);
half3 specatt = h3tex2D(c_specular, v2f.c_texCoord);
half3 normalmap = h3tex2D(c_bumpCol, v2f.c_texCoord);
half3 shadowtex = h3tex2D(subsurface_blurred, v2f.c_texCoord1);
half shadowCompare = x1texcompare2D(shadowDepthMap, v2f.SPOTLIGHTPROJCOORD);
half shadow;
if (softshadows)
shadow = max(0.5, shadowtex.x);
shadow = max(0.5, shadowCompare);
half caustics = pow( (causticsAnim*shadowtex.x), 2) * 0.3;
half4 ComputedLighting = MermaidBlinn(normalmap, -v2f.tanSpotLight0Dir, v2f.tanSpotLight0HalfAngle, 15);
half PointLighting = max(0, dot(normalmap, -v2f.tanPointLight0Dir));
half3 PointLightingcontrib = g_LColor*PointLighting;
half difflighting = ComputedLighting.y*shadow; // + fresnel*EdotL;
half3 filllighting = (1-ComputedLighting.y)*fillcolor;
half spec = ComputedLighting.z*shadow;
float3 delta = (g_eyePointLight0Pos-v2f.eyeCoord);
half dist = sqrt(dot(delta,delta)) * (1.0/400.0);
half att = saturate(dist);
half3 FinalSkinfragment;
FinalSkinfragment.xyz = (1.0-att)*PointLightingcontrib + (difflighting+filllighting)*diffmap + spec*specatt*0.5 + caustics;
return FinalSkinfragment;
half3 ScalesShader(v2fConnector v2f,
uniform texobj2D c_scaleCol,
uniform texobj2D c_scaleBump,
uniform texobj2D c_scaleMasks,
uniform texobj2D c_irid2DCol, // common to all scales
uniform texobjCUBE c_iridCube, // common to all scales
uniform texobj2D subsurface,
float skintoneblend,
uniform sampler3D g_caustics,
float g_caustics_z,
float3 fillcolor
// UVs should be computed in VS
float3 uvs;
uvs.xy = (v2f.SPOTLIGHTPROJCOORD.xy / v2f.SPOTLIGHTPROJCOORD.w) * float2(3, 3);
uvs.z = g_caustics_z;
half3 causticsAnim = h3tex3D(g_caustics, uvs);
half3 cubemapUVs = reflect(v2f.eyeNormal, half3(0,0,1)) * (-1,1,-1);
half4 scaleColor = f4tex2D(c_scaleCol, v2f.c_texCoord);
half4 scaleNormal = f4tex2D(c_scaleBump, v2f.c_texCoord);
half4 scaleMasks = f4tex2D(c_scaleMasks, v2f.c_texCoord ); // w = alpha mask
half4 iridColorCube = f4texCUBE(c_iridCube, cubemapUVs);
//half3 skinColor = half3(177.0/255.0, 117.0/255.0, 61.0/255.0);
half3 shadow = f4tex2D(subsurface, v2f.c_texCoord1);;
shadow = max(0.4, shadow.x); // ambient should be computed in shadow pass. (constant # of pixels)
half caustics = pow( (causticsAnim * shadow.x), 4 ) * 0.2;
// renaming
half specatt = scaleMasks.r; // 0=no spec, 1=full spec
half underneathSkin = scaleMasks.g; // blend w/ uniform skin tone
half iridatt = scaleMasks.b; // iridescence amount (1=full irid, 0=no irid)
half scalesON = scaleMasks.w; // 1=scales on
half self_illum_amount = scaleColor.w; // 0=normal lighting 1=glow in the dark
// lighting
half specexp = 10;
half3 ComputedLighting = MermaidBlinn(scaleNormal.xyz, -v2f.tanSpotLight0Dir, v2f.tanSpotLight0HalfAngle, specexp);
half diff = ComputedLighting.y*shadow.x + self_illum_amount; // renaming
half spec = ComputedLighting.z;
half3 diffFill = (1-diff)*FILL_LIGHT_COLOR;
half3 FINAL_diffuse = diff + diffFill;
half4 FinalIridColor = saturate(f4tex2D(c_irid2DCol, half2((v2f.eyeNormal.x+scalesON.x)*4, 0) ) + iridColorCube);
half3 colorNoIrid = scaleColor.xyz * FINAL_diffuse;
half3 final_scale_difuse = (scaleColor*scalesON) * FINAL_diffuse * FinalIridColor;
half3 final_spec = spec * (FinalIridColor*scalesON + scaleColor*specatt);
half3 finalScalesColor = final_scale_difuse + final_spec;
//finalScalesColor = lerp(skinColor, finalScalesColor.xyz, underneathSkin);
half3 ScaleColor = lerp(colorNoIrid, finalScalesColor, iridatt);// + caustics;
return ScaleColor;
float4 main(v2fConnector v2f,
// Skin & common
uniform texobj2D c_diffuseCol,
uniform texobj2D c_specular,
uniform texobj2D c_bumpCol,
uniform texobj2D subsurface_blurred,
// NEEDED FOR EXPORT - do not remove
uniform texobj2D subsurface,
uniform texobj2D shadowDepthMap,
uniform texobj2D shadowCMap,
// NEEDED FOR EXPORT - do not remove
uniform sampler3D g_caustics,
uniform float g_softshadows,
// Skin & common - END
uniform float g_skintoneblend,
uniform float3 g_fillcolor,
uniform float g_caustics_z,
uniform float3 g_eyePointLight0Pos,
uniform float3 g_LColor,
uniform texobj2D c_scaleCol,
uniform texobj2D c_scaleBump,
uniform texobj2D c_scaleMasks,
uniform texobj2D c_irid2DCol, // common to all scales
uniform texobjCUBE c_iridCube // common to all scales
// f2fConnector f2f;
half3 Skin, Scales;
Skin, Scales = 0;
half4 diffmap = h4tex2D(c_diffuseCol, v2f.c_texCoord);
if (diffmap.w < 1.)
Skin = SkinShader(v2f,
if (diffmap.w > 0.)
Scales = ScalesShader(v2f,
c_irid2DCol, // common to all scales
c_iridCube, // common to all scales
float4 COL;
COL.rgb = lerp(Skin.xyz, Scales.xyz, diffmap.w);
COL.w = 0;
return COL;