Music/song with the deepest bass

Yeah, dedicated bass tests (Jurassic Lunch, THX's "I Love Big Speakers" etc) are perfect. Easy to find on P2P too, although they're not really "songs", as such.
london-boy said:
Now, i have a question that has bugged me for a long time.

Is ther a limit in frequency for current recording mediums? Let me explain, does a common CD recording have a "lower limit" as far as bass go for example? Same for high notes too.
Or is the limit only on the speakers?

There's no lower limit, but there's an upper one. At a sampling rate of 44100Hz, the highest frequency you can store is 22050Hz as determined by the Nyquist theorem. A 22050Hz signal you get represented as every other sample as -32768 and 32767 (16bits, full amplitude). If you sample a sound that's of higher frequency it will fold back to a lower frequency and distort the sound there.

As for good bass pumper, Yello - Blender is quite powerful. I also have a recording of the synth classic Axel F on a mixed CD called Synthesizer Greatest, it's has very powerful bass as well.
no_way said:
F:\>dir /b "f:\Subwoofer Tests"
BASS UNLIMITED - Sub Sonic Sound Waves.mp3
BASS-SubWoofer Test - Big Bass.mp3
Bass Check - MTX woofer Test.mp3
Bass Mechanics - Woofer Excursion Test.mp3
Bass Test -  Very Loud Compilation of Subwoofer Tests.mp3
DANCE_Best Of Techno Volume 3- Bass Explosion.mp3
DJ Icey - Hardcore Bass.mp3
Speaker Tester (SUB).MP3
Sound Effects - THX Subwoofer Test - 3 Types Of Bass.mp3
Sub Woofer Test.mp3
bass outlaws - The ultimate sub woofer test CAUTION may cause speakers dammage.mp3
sound effects - ultimate sub woofer test.mp3
techno-c-(Bass) THX - Subwoofer Testing - Perfect Bass.mp3

these, i think

Definitely... I've got those files and they shake my room and guts.
Guden Oden said:
Phil said:
:LOL: some DTS speaker testing track I downloaded that covered the 20Hz to 20KHz range.

You remember from where? Would like to try it myself. :)

I'm tracking it down and will get back to you when I found the link or the WAV file! :)
no_way said:
F:\>dir /b "f:\Subwoofer Tests"
BASS UNLIMITED - Sub Sonic Sound Waves.mp3
BASS-SubWoofer Test - Big Bass.mp3
Bass Check - MTX woofer Test.mp3
Bass Mechanics - Woofer Excursion Test.mp3
Bass Test -  Very Loud Compilation of Subwoofer Tests.mp3
DANCE_Best Of Techno Volume 3- Bass Explosion.mp3
DJ Icey - Hardcore Bass.mp3
Speaker Tester (SUB).MP3
Sound Effects - THX Subwoofer Test - 3 Types Of Bass.mp3
Sub Woofer Test.mp3
bass outlaws - The ultimate sub woofer test CAUTION may cause speakers dammage.mp3
sound effects - ultimate sub woofer test.mp3
techno-c-(Bass) THX - Subwoofer Testing - Perfect Bass.mp3

these, i think

Where do you get these?
Bass Mekanik has some pritty decent basslines.

BM: 5.0/Sonic overload is not to bad.

Fuel/Tipper, Rebel Sound have some good bass.

Try and find Bass Mekanik - Tocotta in D, strong bass right through the spectrum including very very strong 20/25hz tones.

IASCA - Moon with a Rebel bass is also good.

I review/test subwoofers as a part of my Car Audio hobby.
Just thought of a few tracks that have very deep bass..........some Björk songs in general!!

Guden Oden said:
Thanku, Phil! :)

Good luck on your searching, I will patiently await your results...

Only a little more patience! I had to find that the only version I still have is the audio cd I ripped for my friend (it's at his place atm). I should have the track online by tomorrow night though. Originally I found the track via eMule.
Phil said:
Just thought of a few tracks that have very deep bass..........some Björk songs in general!!

Guden Oden said:
Thanku, Phil! :)

Good luck on your searching, I will patiently await your results...

Only a little more patience! I had to find that the only version I still have is the audio cd I ripped for my friend (it's at his place atm). I should have the track online by tomorrow night though. Originally I found the track via eMule.

Hyperballad has some great bass at the beginning. And it's also worth notice it's one of my fav songs of all time too.

Joga (one of the remixes) also has very good bass.

Twister by Skunk Anansies is very cool too with bass.
london-boy said:
no_way said:
F:\>dir /b "f:\Subwoofer Tests"
BASS UNLIMITED - Sub Sonic Sound Waves.mp3
BASS-SubWoofer Test - Big Bass.mp3
Bass Check - MTX woofer Test.mp3
Bass Mechanics - Woofer Excursion Test.mp3
Bass Test -  Very Loud Compilation of Subwoofer Tests.mp3
DANCE_Best Of Techno Volume 3- Bass Explosion.mp3
DJ Icey - Hardcore Bass.mp3
Speaker Tester (SUB).MP3
Sound Effects - THX Subwoofer Test - 3 Types Of Bass.mp3
Sub Woofer Test.mp3
bass outlaws - The ultimate sub woofer test CAUTION may cause speakers dammage.mp3
sound effects - ultimate sub woofer test.mp3
techno-c-(Bass) THX - Subwoofer Testing - Perfect Bass.mp3

these, i think

Where do you get these?

I would have thought that using MP3's to test frequency response would be a bad idea. I was under the impression that the compression used in most audio codecs would get rid of frequencies that are inaudible to the human ear.

Captain Chickenpants said:
I would have thought that using MP3's to test frequency response would be a bad idea. I was under the impression that the compression used in most audio codecs would get rid of frequencies that are inaudible to the human ear.

That seems reasonable. But there's so little information in the bass that it probalby won't save you much anyway. Removing high frequencies can save you a lot more.
And if someone tried those files, and hear/feel/see the bass, then it's there.

Btw, didn't ABBA: Super Trooper have a rather low bass.
london-boy said:
Hyperballad has some great bass at the beginning. And it's also worth notice it's one of my fav songs of all time too.

Ditto (to both). Hyperballad was in fact the song I was primarely thinking of, but wasn't sure. I think that's also the track in which always when the refrain plays, you have this really deep bass in the background supplementing the melody :!: :?:
Phil said:
london-boy said:
Hyperballad has some great bass at the beginning. And it's also worth notice it's one of my fav songs of all time too.

Ditto (to both). Hyperballad was in fact the song I was primarely thinking of, but wasn't sure. I think that's also the track in which always when the refrain plays, you have this really deep bass in the background supplementing the melody :!: :?:

The live version is much deeper, maybe because it's on DVD. But yeah, the beginning when it goes DUMMMMM.. DUMMMM.. DUMMMMM. DUMMMMMM for a while before "i live on a mountain" is quite strong...
From what I have seen and heard there nothing wrong with properly encoded mp3's for bass.

Even 128 bit mp3 of some of the tracks on that list can have very stong low end output.

I have run loads of them through Spectrum Analsys/FTT and you can clearly see fine bass levels.

My personal preference is 320 bit for mp3's when I use them.

That Jurassic launch track is particulary dangerous because it has some pritty loud IIRC 10-15 hz tremours near the start before the normal bass stamps cut in.

Watch your drivers don't excurt past there xmax limts.
london-boy said:
micb said:
Watch your drivers don't excurt past there xmax limts.


Sorry got a bit technical there....

Speakers roughtly output sound as a function of sd (which is cone area + half of the surround) x excursion.

Excrusion is the movement of the cone forward and backward by its motor assembly.

A speaker driver can only move forward and back so far before it gets to is excursion limits (xmax).

Peak to peak xmax (both back and forth) is not very usefull figure, One way Linear xmax is a better measurement.

If a speaker driver is driven much further then its xmax limts it can be damaged by the coil/motor assembly slamming into the backplate, this is often called "bottoming out" it sounds like a fast metal clacking sound.

In general lower the frequnecy you play thourgh a speaker driver the more you speaker have to move to play the note.

This can be tested by playing at 100hz tone and then a 30hz tone, the 30hz tone will often move the cone far further.

Speakers one way Linear x-max limts range from 1mm to 30mm in general.

There are some prototype Subwoofers in development (RE Audio and TC Sounds) that have 45+ mm of Linear xmax.
Those sound like some impressive intense bass tracks. :) Have any of you guys had the chance to test some of these bass tracks on your home theater systems? Does anyone know where MP3's of some of these bass tracks can be downloaded? High bit-rate files would be nice, but anything with a decent bit-rate would be cool to hear. :)
A friend of mine has a set of electrostatic speakers - they work on a spark i beleive
going to make a note to test some deep bass stuff on them....