MS september 25th rumor

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Sirius - .... Perhaps not the ones launching on the 9th of this month (unless there are more than just the 120 and the 16 gig flash zunes) .....

OT: What new Zune launching on the 9th?

Edit: Nevermind found the info, sorry for the OT.
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it does sound way to good to be true , but you have to understand these exclusives can be anything . they can be lips and scene it level exclusives as well as Halo 4 level exclusives . It doesn't have to all be huge mega blockbuster exclusives. We could see a bunch of xbla games and retail games as the exclusives they are talking about

But we shall see , MS rumors are the ones that tend to be true the most. The price changes have been known for awhile , even the new zune featuresare leaked all oer the web

what do you mean by "level exclusives"?
What makes it most suspicious for me is the Sept date - every other rumor points at a much later release, in the Nov timeframe.

Everything else is somewhat plausible, if you remove the "Chinese telephone" magnifier - for example, the 12 exclusives, as mentioned above, probably include XBLA titles and full games with Rock Band 2-style several week of advance launch.
He means different 'quality' of exclusives... from AAA titles to simple casual games...

I dont get the hype then. For example XBLA exclusives arent anything new

This is something that has always been done.
Biggest con against this: The rumors are the software update wont be out til November.

Biggest pro: They've got to announce at least one new Halo game (the one that got bumped from E3) sometime..

Also I think somebody said it would be unlikely they'd give away three free Xbox games, well, the rumor said to "longtime gold members" or something. So it could be like, if you've been on Live 5 years or whatever, you get them. MS had a similar deal some time ago where longtime live members got a certain amount of free MS points. Although personally I dont think free Xbox games is somehow any great expense enough to be implausible, not even close.

Not that I am advocating this rumor to be true though, but it's fun to indulge a bit.
C'mon. This is some guy on vgchartz recounting a rumor some other guy gave him. Have we forgotten the PS 2.0 firmware rumors, or the spring update rumors, or the minority report interface rumors? Some of it sounds plausible, but so do a lot of the suggestions to MS/Sony you read in this forum.

Well, the new XBl interface is sort of minority report-ish on screen. Now all you'd have to do is combine them with the rumored upcoming motion controller (which will almost certainly be released eventually) for that rumor to be plausibly considered to have come true.
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