MS september 25th rumor

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I usually do not recount rumors I read. However their are exceptions to every rule. For me there are two exceptions to this rule. The first being that the rumor seems to be reliable, because it relates to pertinent facts. Something I could cross check like a web registry, a patent, or a copyright. The second excpetion is for rumors that are not necessarily stupid, but most definitely not the mundane you here time and again. What follows is a rumor I read on a black forum that definitely falls into that bizarre category. So take it for what it is probably someones creative bullshit.

This all said it is a particularly interesting concept, and if nothing else it raises the question would it work. Why not do something like this. What would it mean if it were true, and so forth. Remember this thread isn't asking is this rumor true, or proving that this rumor is nonsense. I have already said it is practically complete bullshit. So hey why waste the time. Shoot the shit, and please do not stir the shit. Lets not have this degrade into some flame war with an associated ward of burn victims. That said if someone decides to turn this thread into a battle field I will be the first to ask a moderator to lock the shit down.

Without further procrastination the rumor paraphrased. Also known as not word for word. The author asked I must abide.

September 25th 7pm EST. Microsoft will start a five hour countdown to relaunch their console. Yes that is right nothing short of a relaunch is acceptable. At the end of the five hours your console will update to the new interface with full functionality. To promote this most historic event with a full fledged media blitz. Microsoft has gone so far as to rent television space as in rent a channel. For those five hours G4 television will cover the event exclusively with live coverage. For those with Live they will be able to download or stream the channel.

First there are three new pages that are going to be unveiled. The first page is a strategic partnership with Sirius Satelite Radio. For a modest monthly fee you will be able to run Sirius radio through your 360 with no additional hardware needed, and you will be able to pay for the service with Microsoft points. The upside is that everyone with access to live will get a free week to play with the service, and it will be accessable while in game.

The second page is a new music store for downloading music directly onto your 360. Once again for an obvious charge which can be made through Microsoft points. However you will also be able to download some game music free of charge. How could we play Gears of War 2 without playing the Halo concerto right over the games music.

The third channel is called mad lib, and the author claims to have absolutely no clue as to what mad lib is about. However the author suspects it has something to do with a picture within picture function. I have no clue why anyone would want a picture within their game, but what the hell this rumor is batshit crazy anyway.

Microsoft will release a dozen new demos after the launch. There will be four new downloadable pieces of content a preview of the GTA DLC. A Mass Effect expansion. Portal and a free map pack for Halo 3.

Microsoft will unveil twelve new games never seen before that will be exclusive or first on the 360. Strangley enough the author only gives out code names for said games. Though they speculate that among them is Assassins Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, A new Conker title, A rare shooter new franchise, and two new Halo titles. Apparently from what they were told.

Apricot, Burden, Conker, Dramatis, Error, Fender, Gargoyle, Hiroshima, Ignorance, Jeremiah, Kyoto, London.

Then there are six free xbox originals that will be available for download. Three of which are not yet on the service, but will be available right after launch. The only game the Author could confirm was Halo would be a free game. These games will only be available to Live gold members, and they will only be available to those that have an account of long standing.

Like I said a incredibly insane rumor, and believe me I toned it down. There was a lot of shit on the list that meant absolutely nothing to me. Functions I have never heard of. Supposedly all the points are supposed to add up to 36 points. I probably missed a couple. Anyway have fun with the sick twisted rumor I found.

Seems like too much work for something totally untrue.. Anyone heard anything?
Well, Bungie was supposed to release a 1.2 patch for Halo 3 on Sept. 16, but in the latest Weekly Update they mentioned that it may be delayed to a date closer to Halo 3's launch date, which I think was pretty close to Sept. 25.

So who knows? Not long to wait though.
Not all need to be true on D Day. They can simply paint and announce a vision for the future, and show trailers. If they spend enough money tooting it all, people will eat it up. As I mentioned in the other thread, the price drop should not be the only element this holiday season. Otherwise, it is just a waste of money and time.

On the Sony side, they have enough stuff to counter but they still have not rounded everything coherently together (although much better than before).
C'mon. This is some guy on vgchartz recounting a rumor some other guy gave him. Have we forgotten the PS 2.0 firmware rumors, or the spring update rumors, or the minority report interface rumors? Some of it sounds plausible, but so do a lot of the suggestions to MS/Sony you read in this forum.
You may very well be right, but I am just saying that Microsoft can and will spend money to win. They have wasted a lot of money in previous abandoned efforts (Too many to list). Now that they have some success in Xbox, they will go after it with full force.

I don't really care the exact services MS wants to announce. There will be hits and misses. In the end, Sony and MS have sufficient services to counter each other by now. All of us will just have a merry Christmas if the US economy holds together long enough ^_^
You may very well be right, but I am just saying that Microsoft can and will spend money to win. They have wasted a lot of money in previous abandoned efforts (Too many to list). Now that they have some success in Xbox, they will go after it with full force.

I don't really care the exact services MS wants to announce. There will be hits and misses. In the end, Sony and MS have sufficient services to counter each other by now. All of us will just have a merry Christmas if the US economy holds together long enough ^_^

Well, okay, but we don't even know if anything special will happen on September 25th. MS already made big announcements for the 360 service during E3, stuff that hasn't come in yet. Why do it again, on September 25th? They ran out of time during E3? I guess it's just my way of saying that I think this is 100% bogus.

It actually sorta smells of desperate fanboy '9/9/99'-ism.
Yes, the rumors do sound very enthusiastic... but really I just hope people enjoy the machines they bought. MS and Sony already work hard enough for our dollars. I believe MS is going to do the keynote for TGS so it would be a good platform to promote 360, especially Zune since the Japanese has gone for the portable consoles. The new low price is a carrot. I hope they do more to recover from the price drop. They may also want to increase the value of XBL Gold since Sony has pulled closer.

I am actually more concerned with Sony's PlayTV communication foul up than all these rumors.
Sirius - This rumor can easily be true , they already offer streaming music for their suscribers online. This would pair up well with the netflix deal and allow sirius to get a foot hold with xbox fans. This could also be a new feature of perhaps a next gen zune. Current zunes unlike the ipod can get fm signals. They should be able to make a portable sat reciever in a new zune. Perhaps not the ones launching on the 9th of this month (unless there are more than just the 120 and the 16 gig flash zunes)

The music store- Zune software and live already share a log in and you can buy points on the zune store and use them on the xbox .

As for the rest who knows. It would be nice if the new software is out on the 25th though and it be nice if ms shows some games for next year earlier than e3 2009. Thati s a huge complaint of fanboys on other consoles.
That whole "rumour" reads like an over-enthusiastic fanboy wishlist. Three free full Xbox games for Gold users? 12 exclusive new games never before seen? Hey I wouldn't complain, but it's the kind of thing that's built up to disappoint.
That whole "rumour" reads like an over-enthusiastic fanboy wishlist. Three free full Xbox games for Gold users? 12 exclusive new games never before seen? Hey I wouldn't complain, but it's the kind of thing that's built up to disappoint.

Well we do have 12 exclusive games coming out between august and december for hte 360 this year. It wouldn't be hard to imagine having 12 games for next year also . As for 3 full games... yea its hard to imagine. I can picture halo being free though . Its an older game and most likely wont have alot of resale ability on newer consoles. Perhaps Conkers wlil be another free game if they are indeed making a sequal ? Would be a good way to get people into it esp since the first didn't sell that well. Mabye grabbed by te ghoulies also as a game that sold poorly and they most likely wont see a profit on it if they sold it in the market place ?
Well we do have 12 exclusive games coming out between august and december for hte 360 this year. It wouldn't be hard to imagine having 12 games for next year also . As for 3 full games... yea its hard to imagine. I can picture halo being free though . Its an older game and most likely wont have alot of resale ability on newer consoles. Perhaps Conkers wlil be another free game if they are indeed making a sequal ? Would be a good way to get people into it esp since the first didn't sell that well. Mabye grabbed by te ghoulies also as a game that sold poorly and they most likely wont see a profit on it if they sold it in the market place ?
Sure, but 12 new exclusive games that have never been seen before? How many of those coming out this year were completely secret before late 2007? Almost none.

You can keep hoping, but I'm 99% sure you'll be disappointed.
Sure, but 12 new exclusive games that have never been seen before? How many of those coming out this year were completely secret before late 2007? Almost none.

You can keep hoping, but I'm 99% sure you'll be disappointed.

But e3 2007 is when they started to change their tune to showing only whats coming out in that year. This years e3 was deviod of new game announcments for next year. Do you honestly believe they went from 12 exclusives in a 4 month period to basicly 3 or 4 excluives for the following 12 months ? I don't think thats what happened at all . Each year we hear that ms has nothing for next year and as the new year comes we see that they infact have alot of things for the new year. i dn't see why that would be diffrent this year. The new dash should give a reason to have an x08 type event. Even the zune is getting an event this sept 9. They also have a brand new marketing plan inlucing ads with bill gates and seinfeld and putting Vista guru's into B&M stores all over the USA.
That whole "rumour" reads like an over-enthusiastic fanboy wishlist. Three free full Xbox games for Gold users? 12 exclusive new games never before seen? Hey I wouldn't complain, but it's the kind of thing that's built up to disappoint.
That's what it sounds like to me, too. It's like that old "telephone" game... one person starts off by saying there's going to be a software update, and by the time it reaches the end of the line, now there's free games and tons of exclusives and all sorts of new features that no one ever dreamed of, etc.

We'll get the software update, all right.. that much is real. The rest? I call BS. Yeah, some of those features might make it eventually (the music stuff, etc), but I don't think MS is putting it all into one huge "relaunch" event, it'll just be something that's released sometime down the road.

It amazes me how much these rumors get around, become labeled as "fact", and then when the day comes and goes, everyone just forgets about it, like it never happened. Remember that Sony super-mega-game that was supposed to be announced back in August? Some huge press event? One site (a blog) even claimed to have "insider information" on the event and the game in question. August 1st came and went without a peep. Aside from a few "so what happened?" posts, the entire thing was seemingly swept under the rug, and no one cared.

And more importantly, no one learned from it. So here we are, barely a month later, only now it's Microsoft's turn for a huge mega-announcement that's going to shake the gaming world to it's very core. An announcement that's never going to come.
Well we do have 12 exclusive games coming out between august and december for hte 360 this year. It wouldn't be hard to imagine having 12 games for next year also .
Its not hard to imagine but all 12 announced simultaneously this month for the next year sounds pretty big. And if they are going to announce them now simultaneously and expect new announcements to come the later year how many exclusives are we going to get? Especially if we consider how MS doesnt talk about its exclusives until their release is "near".

Sounds way too good. If its true MS must have gone full force to take over by paying out an extremely large number of developers to get a ton of exclusives at a short period of time. It will be one of the largest "offensive" strategies to fight competition ever.
Its not hard to imagine but all 12 announced simultaneously this month for the next year sounds pretty big. And if they are going to announce them now simultaneously and expect new announcements to come the later year how many exclusives are we going to get? Especially if we consider how MS doesnt talk about its exclusives until their release is "near".

Sounds way too good. If its true MS must have gone full force to take over by paying out an extremely large number of developers to get a ton of exclusives at a short period of time. It will be one of the largest "offensive" strategies to fight competition ever.

it does sound way to good to be true , but you have to understand these exclusives can be anything . they can be lips and scene it level exclusives as well as Halo 4 level exclusives . It doesn't have to all be huge mega blockbuster exclusives. We could see a bunch of xbla games and retail games as the exclusives they are talking about

But we shall see , MS rumors are the ones that tend to be true the most. The price changes have been known for awhile , even the new zune featuresare leaked all oer the web
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