More ATI Driver News from Derek Smart

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Hello and welcome to the MrObvious show.

Today we will have a discussion with Derek Smart, PHD and world renowned Video Game Designer.

First off Mr.Smart, what plans do you have for your next game? Will it be another SpaceSim like your other game (looks at paper) BC3K. Or will it be a FPS like John Carmacks new Doom3? Will it take advantage of DX7? Will it have online support? And what time frame are you looking for a release?

(Hands mike to Mr.Smart) -your floor now Mr.Smart
First of all, lets get ONE thing straight, nothing in THIS forum gives ANYONE the right to THINK that they are judge and jury over any other person.

I have said it time and time again, people in forums like this just think that because they are regulars, they are exempt from rules and regs like everyone else. There is ALWAYS a pack mentality going on and most don't have damn clue what fair play is about.

I say this again : I stand ALONE and its going to take a LOT more than crap like this to make a single dent in my armor. Too bad most just fail grasp this very BASIC concept.

Looking at this thread and this one (which started it all), any sane person can see just how they went downhill. ALL I did was post my opinions and I didn't do that in order to please anyone. The next thing I know, I am being attacked from all sides.

And people expect me to just sit back and take it. There are over 22 pages in that ATI thread alone which give a CLEAR history of how this all went down. You folks can ignore it all you want. At the end of the day, EVERYTHING I said in my diatribes, is exactly what ended up happening. People who can't keep arguments, start hurling insults. People who don't have ANY meaningful answers either ignore the issue or twist it and then start hurling insults. To the extent that, that wasn't bad enough, they had to bring in, not only libelous web sites, references to a multitude of rubbish (as only the Net can provide) and expect that this will deter and/or silence me or sway the opinions of those who are smart enough to know better.

There are CLEAR examples (e.g. Fresh, democoder et al) of people who contributed ZERO or close to ZERO in the topics. They spent their time attacking and/or goading me, proliferating a concerted character assassination attack, and think I'm going to cave in.

Yet, you find these conceited folks perpretrating that which they accuse me of and to an even greater degree. If I had time, I would catalog the entire thread history (which I now have archived on my HDD, in case it gets removed again) but I'm not going to waste my time because the thread speaks for itself. You can ignore it all you want.

I mean, look at this thread. Its populated by the same group of people who pulled the same stunts in that thread, only this time, its about me. WHY does it have to be about me. Are you folks so scared of me that leaving me alone is just too much of a stretch? Let me tell you something, you should be scared of me. Because I'm one independent sonofabitch who isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Might as well just hunker down with the thought that if you come after me, I'm going to bury you in controversy or unbridled straight talk, while you continue baffling yourselves and your friends with bullshit.

Better quit while you're ahead and take up a safer hobby, like say, knitting. Bashing me and attempting to assassinate my character is very, very unsafe and will get you NOWHERE. That much has been proven time and time again over the years.

That is all I have to say, until something else comes up that is worthy of my attention and my fingers on keyboard.

As you were
fresh said:
MrObvious said:
First off Mr.Smart, what plans do you have for your next game? Will it be another SpaceSim like your other game (looks at paper) BC3K. Or will it be a FPS like John Carmacks new Doom3? Will it take advantage of DX7? Will it have online support? And what time frame are you looking for a release?

I believe he's working on the sequel to Derek Smart's Desktop Commander . I for one am looking forward to it.

LMFAO that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. :eek: :LOL: :p
Can we take the smack talk to General Discussion, or, better yet, eliminate it altogether? I labored through 22 pages of this thread to see what all the commotion was about, and I think the immature posturing and ad-homs have just about been exhausted. So let's call it a day and return to the ostensible topics at hand: 3D Technology and Hardware (and, minimally tangentially, drivers).

Wavey, I suggest locking this thread. If people want to engage in a civilized discussion about the merits and demerits of ATi's drivers, they can start a new one. I don't see why anyone would want to wade through the garbage spewed here for the occasional morsel of genuine information.

I don't think this is the kind of attention B3D wants or needs. Gentlemen, if you would like to do something more constructive with your weekend, this forum is available for mutual enlightenment. If you want to have fun without using your brain, I suggest watching seasons four through seven of the Simpsons and all of Futurama. :)
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