Miss Debbie's PC gots a problem, help please!


Repost from EB, but I'm looking to fix this in the next few hours if possible so thought I'd beg for a bit-o-help here too.

I'm fixing a POS E-machine for one of my daughter's pre-school teachers Ms. Debbie and I'm a bit stuck, could someone give me brain a kick so I can fix it?

She claimed her modem was out 'cause of lightning, but the modem responded to queries just fine. I replaced it anyways, but I can't get 98se to find the damned thing no matter what modem I try. (I got about 4 56K modems floating around my desk, I don't use 'em no more)

It says that another application is using the modem, but no application is. All my modems set themselves to com port 2, but the computer doesn't seem to HAVE a com port 2 and I can't convince the PC to get one or the modem to change it.


What's bugging me is I KNOW I've dealt with this one before, but I can't recall how! (Damn it, I am soooo rusty! :( )
The Baron said:
Go into the BIOS, make sure all the serial ports are enabled.
They are, I'm convinced it's something goofy in the software but I can't figure it out to save me butt. :(

Help? I'm tired of looking at it and thinking about it. :(
This is an internal modem?

You probably have to disable your com2 port on your motherboard, or see if there's a jumper / switch that allows you to set the com port on the modem to something other than 2.

If you are not using your serial ports on your motherboard at all for anything, then I would disable them both.
Joe DeFuria said:
This is an internal modem?

You probably have to disable your com2 port on your motherboard, or see if there's a jumper / switch that allows you to set the com port on the modem to something other than 2.

If you are not using your serial ports on your motherboard at all for anything, then I would disable them both.

true and in all your modems do you have an older one still being able to set the jumpers on it for IRQ/dma/com ? Or all 100% PnP ? Can be usefull to use old things sometimes.

Thanks, I'll give it a try later when the wee ones are sleeping. :)

I'm sure I got an old modem around that I can force the com ports on, I'll just have to dig thru me basement. :rolleyes: