For real though, I'm very confident Asoba will ensure any flavor of XBOX which is capable of receiving the game will play it acceptably, albeit for varying definitions of "acceptable" depending on the customer / reviewer.
btw anyone know which settings i need to change to make it fly like ace combat? triggers for gas plus minus, bumpers for the ones currently bound to triggers, the gear button, etc. the binding settings is very different to 2020 and im confused
This is getting killed on Steam due to their server issues/limitations. So they handle all content downloads in their game I assume, and they don't have the capacity to handle this many players? Not a good look.
Once it downloads certain content for the areas you're flying in, does it just store it so it doesn't download again the next time you do the same flight? Is there some kind of local cache control to specific total allocation?
The game now works fine on Series X, I just had to download it all again. There is a local catch setting option for up to hundreds of GB, but it works well even with the basic 16GB with 100MBit internet.
The game is fantastic, the graphics are phenomenal, especially when it comes to the display of natural landscapes.