Making of GR3AW

The game looks nice, not as good as the original renders, although it's hard to tell from this low-quality vid, you can certainly see a large difference between the cut-scenes and in-game. With that said, it looks very innovate and fun, hopefully brings some life back to this fairly stale series.
Thanks for linking that bsc. Should be popping up on all the sites pretty soon.

One thing to note. The game (IMO) looks great, but you are NOT looking at high-res textures from the game. This video was produced a while ago and all the HD textures were not put in yet. This is meant to give you a glimpse of in-progress gameplay but mainly to explain a core feature of the game.

You will see a LOT of videos in the next 2 months, and most will have these textures in them. I will try to get some stuff on marketplace so you can run it on your HDTVS and see the difference. Its truly jaw dropping,but don't take it from me! Wait until you see it for yourself.

If you guys have questions, lemme know!
I don't care what the framerate is. I saw the same dumbed down run-and-gun-style gameplay of GR2. Needless to say, I'll wait for the PC version.
I don't mind dumbed-down run-and-gun-style gameplay, but in that case it better have quad missile launchers, fusion cannons and bionically enhanced dinosaurs in it! :D

Ghost recon-style games are just annoying because they try to be realistic, when it's completely un-realistic and stupid that one guy would win against a mob of heavily armed baddies. It totally breaks my suspension of disbelief.
I prefer the methodical gameplay and missions of GR and GRIT. I liked two squads, using one for recon and one for assault. However, someone must have told Ubi that console gamers are 12 year olds with ADD.
Guden Oden said:
Ghost recon-style games are just annoying because they try to be realistic, when it's completely un-realistic and stupid that one guy would win against a mob of heavily armed baddies. It totally breaks my suspension of disbelief.

before i say anything else, let me just say that i'm not arguing ghost recon games (of late anyway) are realistic...

but that's an odd reason you cite there.... these are supposed to be special forces, and one need not look far to find plenty of authentic accounts where special forces (i am in particular referring to SAS, as being british that is where my main interest lies ;)) have taken on a large number of well armed foes and prevailed. one need only look at kill ratios of standard forces against well armed but relative poorly trained forces to see that a few well trained soldiers are often better than a lot of poorly trained ones.

remember, well equipped doesn't always mean well trained ;)
Alpha_Spartan said:
I prefer the methodical gameplay and missions of GR and GRIT. I liked two squads, using one for recon and one for assault. However, someone must have told Ubi that console gamers are 12 year olds with ADD.
Many people just don't care for that level of discipline their gameplay, that is independent of both age and attention span.
Guden Oden said:
Ghost recon-style games are just annoying because they try to be realistic, when it's completely un-realistic and stupid that one guy would win against a mob of heavily armed baddies. It totally breaks my suspension of disbelief.

The experience tends to be more heroic for the single player portion, but when it comes to multiplayer online it boils down to 8 on 8. Online gameplay is where the Ghost Recon series really shines.
Damn that video looked good as hell. I hope once it goes on 360 Marketplace the guys here or somewhere on the internets can take pictures.

I love the shadows and the animations.
Over at the forum I saw this 15 megabyte video posted on Future Combat System 2005. It's actually a promotional video made by defense contractors, but it mirrors the GRAW theme. I thought it was going to be dull presentation at first, but it's almost all live action combat Ghost Recon style. Not real combat mind you, just actors. Well worth checking out.