I dont know if thats how i would read the score board. We are not in the loop about all the victories/captures we have had. So who knows how many we killed/captured already.digitalwanderer said:That makes the score what now, 2-0 with the bad guys ahead? :|
John Reynolds said:http://windsofchange.net/archives/004722.php
epicstruggle said:I dont know if thats how i would read the score board. We are not in the loop about all the victories/captures we have had. So who knows how many we killed/captured already.
epicstruggle said:I dont know if thats how i would read the score board. We are not in the loop about all the victories/captures we have had. So who knows how many we killed/captured already.digitalwanderer said:That makes the score what now, 2-0 with the bad guys ahead? :|
On the other hand, this was a clear score for the terrorists.
pax said:http://www.sltrib.com/2004/mar/03152004/commenta/commenta.asp
I think Gwynn pretty much says it all here.
According to many UK news broadcasts this is what quite a large swing. Evidently (much like the UK) there was a fair amount of dissatisfaction with the populace in the "spin" from the government - generally they felt manipulated by the governments messaging and that many of the inquireries went the governments way (way, that doesn't happen in the UK at all! ). The jump on the ETA bandwagon probably swung the vote quite significantly as it only servered to heighten the feeling that this was more manipulation.John Reynolds said:The only real glaring error in the article that's occurred to me is the failure to address the potential swing vote generated by the Popular party so quickly blaming the ETA for the bombings.
The fact that you havent missed a thing should clue you in. We have prevented any further attacks on US soil. Thats a major victory. We dont know how many people have been killed due to this war on terror. Its easier to keep track of scores for the terrorist. Its alot harder to see our victories/scores, because they are usually kept secret.digitalwanderer said:They've had two stunningly successful attacks, we haven't had any.
Did I miss something?
Fred said:Just out of curiousity, how do we know its not the ETA? I saw that they had called in denying it, and that AQ claimed it for their own, but is there anything definitive yet?
I haven't seen much detail about the suspects other than their origins.
It doesnt mean that eta didnt help with logistics or some planning. i doubt though that they were involved.Clashman said:Well, I would think the fact that none of them are from the Basque country would be kind of an obvious tip-off, but maybe that's just me.
Did the govermnent actually say "ETA did it" or did they say "We think ETA did it". One is a fact, the other an opinion. Anyone know?PatrickL said:- angry against theit government that tried to blatantly lie about who was bombing.