Madden 13 (360 Demo -- Good Kinect Integration)


Artist formerly known as Acert93
With 7 games with the demo (360 version) under my belt here are my impressions. Some quick background: Until 2005 I played almost every version of Madden starting with the first PC version and then the SNES (and most of the 2K and a spattering of FP Sports, QB Club, Sega, etc) and have played 2 editions on the Xbox 360 (the discontinuation of the PC version and the exclusive deal soured me in conjunction with EA/Tiburon ignoring the glaring flaws in the series).

Graphics. Graphically the series has improved since 2008 & 2010, although incrementally. Madden has always lagged in the visuals and some areas are still just really bad, e.g. the crowd. Sometimes players in the distance are hard to distinguish and the LOD when zoomed out could be better, specifically more crisp. I also find there are a lot of glitches to the visuals (mainly the 3D grass, player shadows, and some textures) but the 60Hz, improved lighting, solid shadowing, motion blur, etc have all come a long way. Player models are also taking small steps in the right direction with many looking slightly like the real life counterparts. I will need to toy with the camera (which the demo does not allow) some as the default wasn’t great for running.

Infinity Engine. Animation is a mixed bag. On the down side it has some horribly glitch animations—I have seen players do half spins and fall backwards when there is no way the momentum/contact should result in such. And you will see this occur over and over again. To be blunt the transitions from captured motion to those impacted by contact often lacks “weight” and results in some odd results. I don’t care what EA is telling people momentum is all goofy at times. On the plus is that this is a huge improvement over past versions. With SEA Lynch I have had quite a few nice runs where a small defender was shrugged off. I am all about running the ball so I must admit to being happy to see more improvements here (I believe it was 2010 where they broke the rushing and promised a patch so I bought the game and then they failed to deliver and said “promise we fix it next year!”) Make no mistake Back Breaker, flaws and all, has far superior animation and contact. Transitions were better, especially from fighting one tackler to a gang tackle, and the animations were clean. So while I am happy EA is improving here I think it needs a lot of work.

Gameplay. This plays like every Madden from the last decade with the requisite tweaks. If you have played Madden before you know what you are getting. Which is good because the game has grown to be quite deep and relatively authentic over the years and learning the quirks of another game could be difficult. 3rd game in I was in the flow enough to start hot routing receivers, doing pre-snap motions and adjustments, doing fine detailed defensive adjustments, etc. I think the use of the Dpad and Sticks for audibles and adjustments is really well done now, e.g. Dpad L for the D linemen and the Dpad then allows up for spread, down for pinch, left for shift left, right for shift right; right stick up for edge rush, down for crash, left for left, and right for right. Similar for the LB and for the DB’s you get all sorts of quick adjustments to zones and coverages. I found Madden has finally settled on a robust and intuitive scheme for this. While not ground breaking I thought Gameflow was a nice addition.

On the field it is hard to point out a lot after 7 games (some coop). I will say this: On Rookie and Pro rushing was very, very easy, too rewarding, and fun for a couple games—but would offer no challenge and replayability over time. On All-Pro (four game, one against a human) there was more inconsistency although I could get some nice runs here and there but in general holes didn’t form and backs went down easily (SEA Lynch and SF Gore). I am rusty with all the moves but it seems a lot of times half the plays were busted due to a DL beating an OL completely and shooting the gap. That happens in the NFL but a lot of the short gains/losses are because there is no hole and it collapses into a pile with no daylight. I saw little of this so far. I actually found not using a FB (SEA has a Pro-Bowl FB) helped as it seemed to make the OL miss more assignments even when blockers outnumbered defenders. Not a horrible experience but I would need to play more to get a good review of rushing. My guess is once I get into the game, really learn my personel, and quicker and checking down, making adjustments like motion, and when to audible out I can have a potent running game.

Passing seemed typical Madden. They offer NO instructions / training on the “total control passing” but it seems to be no different than what other versions had—after you begin to press pass the ball pushing the stick in a direction results in the QB aiming there. It would be nice if it gave you a visual que of how your pass was being changed. I didn’t pass enough to get a feel for the new lobs and such. I did notice it seemed to have a nice penalty in place for passing on the run for most QBs. I need to do some more play time to test playing as the receiver—something that is almost always poorly done in Madden games. I did like the receivers being grayed out when not looking (but I liked the visual cone, too, and always thought Kinect could do that well if they tried).

Special teams were solid. I had a punt returned for a TD where after making the first couple guys miss on the left (on a return right) and getting caught in a tackle I broke loose and cut to the right where the return team picked up all the defenders and walked it him. Kick offs are goofy with the aim.

Defense is a WIP for me. I tend to play as DL and I got some sacks but also tended to get tied up by the OL. The secondary seemed reasonable in terms of coverage and the game seems to offer a good number of options. E.g. I kept get eaten alive over the middle so I began key off on pass and then adjusting to the middle for coverage.

Overall gameplay felt at a nice pace (I like the accelerated clock option) and the speed on the field felt appropriate. If the game feels too fast you can change it (from very slow, slow, normal, fast, and very fast) and the demo has a fair number of sliders—although for online play I find it important the game WORK out of the box because sliders may help SP but I want to be able to have a balanced ONLINE experience. One reason I have always liked Madden is they never went with the cheesy “ball carriers are slower than defenders, but you can use the buttons to juke and charge a speed burst” silliness. Thankfully that is still here. I broke into the open field a handful of times each game and it was truly off to the races. I got ran down a couple times but also had some long touch downs. There is an option for speed disparity, default is 50%. Ramp it up to 100% the gap is closed between slower and faster players; crank it down to 0% and faster players will blow past slower players.

Coop. I must say coop has improved a lot. I have not tried 3 player but 2 player worked very well with my sons. If I get Madden ’13 it is because coop sold us.

Kinect. I wish the Kinect integration was a LOT deeper. There, I said it. What they have works well—if it can pick up your voice. Saying “No Huddle” or “Challenge” etc felt natural. I have not had a chance to get into all the Kinect features but having robust voice control via on screen prompts is the future. It is quicker and easier to use and adds a layer of immersion. I don’t think the current Kinect is responsive enough but I could see a new model allow you to quickly in the huddle call formation (Shotgun), player (HB), play (draw right); get to the line and audible (Pass, deep outs), make an adjustment (TE, pass protect) and then call cadence. I think EA is heading this direction but I can see this working and working very well. And with on screen prompts it could be easier and quicker to use. But what is there now is nice to toy with and I need to spend more time with it. So far I like it.

Announcing & Presentation. First off the replays are broken, rarely showing the beginning of the play where key stuff occurs. E.g. Have a big hit just as the QB releases the ball that leads to an INT return weaving through the offense for a TD? Yeah, you get to see the last 10 years of the return… over and over. Look, I don’t want to see where I run in the open into the end zone. I want to see the disruptive hit. I want to see the pick and the key blocks that sprung me. Likewise the ref audio is broken. And the announcers are repetitive and at times silly. Every game they say the same things about RGIII and Flynn and Lynch and, well, everyone else! Break a big pass play? I have already heard, “The NFL has some of the fastest humans alive. When the rules prevent a defender from even breathing on a receiver the result is big plays like this.” Or something like, “When you have an elite receiver you have to throw to them. Bill Parcells used to say when Mark Bravao was covered, he was open.” Or the out of place commentary when you throw a screen and the play gets stuffed and Simms whine there was a player open down field.

Overall I had a positive impression of the experience. I appreciate this years demo was NOT a gimmick but had 4 teams and allowed full 4 quarters of play. Kudos EA! This allowed the gameplay to be front and center and may have sold me on the game.

What I cannot find is if there is a full Training Camp like in the old days to practice various positions and disciplines. Also I always found the GCN version had the best Practice mode as it had a set number of plays, explained how they should work, and then checked you off for doing them correctly. There is very little info on what is in this years version—EA has a nasty habit of REMOVING features and options. My sons would like to play Madden but it needs to have the Training Camp mode (not the silly avoid tackler thing) to learn the position disciplines or something similar. I am on the fence about ordering; Amazon has a discount right now but I am concerned there may be some things broken. I got burned a couple years back when their promise to patch got dust balled into fixing next years version.

EDIT: Some demo gameplay, WASHINGTON vs. SEATTLE:

A good overview of features by fans which confirms a bit of minigames (woot!):

Kinect overview:

EA videos:
Anything and everything to distract you from besting my Trial's times ;)

Play the demo though. I pre-ordered at Amazon with $15 off. The boys love it so I figured we could do some 3 way coop. At 8 the oldest is ready to learn some real football. It would be cool if we had enough players here for a league, but I don't think that would happen.
Is anyone else planning to get Madden NFL 13? Tap In?

Anyone interested in a league ... if we lack the people we could always branch out to close friends and other friendly forums (Gamersyde maybe?)
Has anyone found the minigames yet? I wanted to fire some up (supposedly some position as well as PvP similar to the 2 min drill) but cannot find them.
What I cannot find is if there is a full Training Camp like in the old days to practice various positions and disciplines. Also I always found the GCN version had the best Practice mode as it had a set number of plays, explained how they should work, and then checked you off for doing them correctly. There is very little info on what is in this years version—EA has a nasty habit of REMOVING features and options. My sons would like to play Madden but it needs to have the Training Camp mode (not the silly avoid tackler thing) to learn the position disciplines or something similar. I am on the fence about ordering; Amazon has a discount right now but I am concerned there may be some things broken. I got burned a couple years back when their promise to patch got dust balled into fixing next years version.

I thought the mini-games were still in based on a preview (how bad can the gaming press do their jobs?) but lost in all the pre-game build up is how much EA stripped from this years game. If I am not mistaken they have removed a TON of the game:

  • No Mini-games
  • No Franchise/Season Mode (you must do "career" which locks you into a single player)
  • No instruction on how to use "total control passing"
  • No fantasy draft
  • No ability to edit current players
And the game is loaded with launch day pay-for-DLC.

Oh, and the press does a pretty horrible job of covering all these details before the game is released. I swear the big sites (who are the only ones with pre-release access) let publisher write their articles with the blurbs they want published and do very little of their own leg work on this stuff.
I still like the game (it plays a lot like real football!) but I am trying to overcome my INT problem (forcing balls... need to take a sake, throw it away, read the D better, etc) so I was trying to play as the WR and call for the ball.

Madden NFL 13 takes away this feature. Just. Stupid.

I can play coop and have a human player throw me the ball (which is nice because if you read the defender right you can make a cut as he breaks and make for huge separation) but cannot do this single player. Booh.

And "A for assist" I have no clue what that means. no straifing as the WR (e.g. to position for a jump ball), diving with X for the ball doesn't seem to work, etc.
great review Acert but no Madden this year for me... I'm a Forza 4 addict ATM and may buy Madden used later. :(

And "A for assist" I have no clue what that means. .

if you hold it down your defender will automatically move and stay in position to make a play whether for a tackle or to defend/intercept a pass. (basicly becomes an AI player until you let go)
Thanks Tap-In, I thought it did that but it doesn't work for offensive players even though it is listed. Oh well.

Let me know if you get Madden as I need someone to play with :)
Well, as much as I am lamenting (and not happy with) the continued stripping of features on an annual title (only to "resell" them) I think, so far, this is the best Madden on the field. The AI is solid, especially the defensive backs.

And the new animation system sometimes looks wonky but every game you get a couple moments like this:

The blocking, while still having a lot of room for improvement, is much better than 3 years ago. You really can keep a defender at bay by using a block in between -- no more suction cup blocking or snap-to-tackling on the interior line.
I have been toying with the offline Connected Career.

The fact you can pick a single player and do a "first person Role Playing" both as the player in the "career story" and work your progressions for unlocks ("loot") for playing well offers an interesting dynamic. It plays quick, too. e.g. as playing a Running Back you ONLY play OFF plays where you are in the game.

I must say EA successfully integrated RPG (both unlocks and "leveling up" as well as "playing a specific role/character") elements into an action sport game. The fact you can take it online is the icing on the cake IF it works well.

I am bewilders how in Career mood as a WR I can call for the ball (undocumented feature) but in other modes you are stuck as the QB. Just a clear sign of how EA likes to rip features out -- but in this case HAD to keep it in for Career Mode (formerly superstar) to work. Since the feature works and is still in the game in specialized modes it is clearly nothing more than stripping out features for future marketing purposes.
I have been toying with the offline Connected Career.

The fact you can pick a single player and do a "first person Role Playing" both as the player in the "career story" and work your progressions for unlocks ("loot") for playing well offers an interesting dynamic. It plays quick, too. e.g. as playing a Running Back you ONLY play OFF plays where you are in the game.

I must say EA successfully integrated RPG (both unlocks and "leveling up" as well as "playing a specific role/character") elements into an action sport game. The fact you can take it online is the icing on the cake IF it works well.

I am bewilders how in Career mood as a WR I can call for the ball (undocumented feature) but in other modes you are stuck as the QB. Just a clear sign of how EA likes to rip features out -- but in this case HAD to keep it in for Career Mode (formerly superstar) to work. Since the feature works and is still in the game in specialized modes it is clearly nothing more than stripping out features for future marketing purposes.

In NHL you can go into the menu once you've started a game, go into the "select sides" menu and lock your controller to a specific player position. Maybe you can do the same in Madden.