Lost Planet might go multi-platform?



"We will try to keep it as a 360 exclusive," Takeuchi said. "But, from the company's point of view, when you think about the business, in the future it's something [port the game to PS3] we might have to do."

Pretty interesting

But then again, this is Capcom, so I won't be surprise at all if the game does come to the PS3 ;)

Do you think LP will go multi-platform?
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Capcom really has a problem holding the line on "it is exclusive [for now, but I ain't telling you that minor detail]". They went out, and IMO, killed a lot of RE4 mojo for the GCN by doing that and it seems they are doing that with LP.
Capcom really has a problem holding the line on "it is exclusive [for now, but I ain't telling you that minor detail]". They went out, and IMO, killed a lot of RE4 mojo for the GCN by doing that and it seems they are doing that with LP.

Sometimes I wonder why they do this before the game releases. I can see after they release the game.
I would have bought LP at launch, but I want the best version of the game. If there's any chance the PS3 version will have better graphics and/or gameplay, then I'm going to want to get that version instead. It may be some time before I can commit to the cost of a PS3 system, and by that time, I may not even be interested in LP anymore. I haven't bought RE4 for my GC, because I decided to wait for the PC version. They could have had my money months ago, if they hadn't gone and announced a PC version of the game months ago, and they could well be losing a sale now by talking about possibly porting LP to the PS3.
The top game of 2005, and you decide to wait at least two years for it? And even then it's not sure if the game will be better too?

You sure have some patience.
The top game of 2005, and you decide to wait at least two years for it? And even then it's not sure if the game will be better too?

You sure have some patience.
I've had plenty of other games to fill my time with, and a history of disappointment in RE games, so it hasn't been too hard a wait.
Didn't Capcom say that they're going to develop their games on PC then port them over to X360/PS3 when the time comes?

If so, do you think that this could be the case on how Dead Rising & Lost Planet were developed? Would it be equally difficult porting to PS3 as it was Xbox 360? If they did port the game to PS3, would it be from the PC (if my original question is true) or the Xbox 360?
what's wrong with capcom? they keep making killer games, then hurting them sales singlehandedly. WTF? do they really have to announce multiplaformability before an 'exclusive' launch?

'here's this AAA title, kids, just don't hurry getting it as we're planning on releasing it on an arbitrary number of other platforms, possibly in an extended format too.'

I would have bought LP at launch, but I want the best version of the game. If there's any chance the PS3 version will have better graphics and/or gameplay, then I'm going to want to get that version instead. It may be some time before I can commit to the cost of a PS3 system, and by that time, I may not even be interested in LP anymore. I haven't bought RE4 for my GC, because I decided to wait for the PC version. They could have had my money months ago, if they hadn't gone and announced a PC version of the game months ago, and they could well be losing a sale now by talking about possibly porting LP to the PS3.
Good god, get the Cube version, like, now! The PC version just can't work. RE4 is all about the controls.
I've had plenty of other games to fill my time with, and a history of disappointment in RE games, so it hasn't been too hard a wait.

Ahhh. But you don't know what you're missing... ;)

Seriously. Get it! It rocks. I wasn't into RE before too.
i second that. Iron, RE4 is like $25 now, you're essentially depriving yourself of some major fun. the game is a jewell as it is, regardless of whether you intend to get any 'impoved' versions later on.

GameSpot: To be clear, will Lost Planet be exclusive to the Xbox 360, or is it being ported to other platforms?

Jun Takeuchi: Lost Planet is an exclusive Xbox 360 title. Typically when the development team sets out to create a game, we focus development of the title on a single platform and for Lost Planet that platform is the Xbox 360. We have no plans at this time of porting to or developing for another console as this would potentially dilute the final product.


....Burns 'em! :p
JT: I think that the real concern is not the size of the Xbox 360 user base, but rather the close-minded tendencies of Japanese developers.

Sounds reasonable. :)
GS: Can we expect other Xbox 360 games from Capcom, such as Dead Rising, to remain exclusive to the platform or could they ever be ported to the PS3?

JT: As I previously mentioned, as we are creating new titles we evaluate all the platforms that are currently available and match the content to the platform. For games such as Lost Planet and Dead Rising, the Xbox 360 was the target platform. Since they have been created specifically to take advantage of the system's capabilities, we have no plans at this time to port or develop these titles for any other console.