Actually I'm a bit confused about this whole subject.
I'm gonna read 1080i vs. 1080p HDTV: should you care?
The bottom line is that I'd like to purchase a 24" or 26" LCD monitor to be used with my laptop/desktop and an HD-DVD player, with the highest possible quality permitted.
Dell 2407WFP with S-IPS panel (if you are lucky)
Its very nice however you'll have to make sure you get one with the newer firmware or get it upgraded after purchase. However everything built after the 5th of Dec should be up to date.then there is the BenQ FP241W
How so?Nothing beats surfing the net on a 42" Full HD LCD except something that's larger and more expensive.
How so?
Surfing on a 24" beats it. 1920x1200 > 1920x1080.