I don't know about all of you but i am damn tired of playing games where friendlies and or foes have the problem solving capacity of a keychain solar powered calculator. I am so damned tired of being in situations where i have to either protect individuals natural selection would have already weeded out by their age of 5 or fight along side friendlies who have no qualms fragging you with whatever means possible to get at their enemy. On the other hand i am also somewhat aggravated by AIs who are the exact opposite. Cases in point;
Star Ocean III: Friendly AI is by far the worst of any RPG i have yet played. Your allies will consistently concentrate their attacks on the most lethal enemies while using their weakest set of attacks. Assinine. More often then not on higher levels they'll end up killing themselves or you.
MOH:RS: Enemy AI sucks. Period. Many a time i became confused as to whom my allies where as the enemies would often "forget" to shoot me or act as though i were some how invisible.
Chrome: WTF. At the begining of the game you start out with the support of a fellow mercenary who is completely without the interest of sharing kills. He will engage enemies at ranges you can't even perceive with your machine gun's scope and kill them. Often times this will leave you to wonder if you have infact even scored a hit on said enemies.
Star Ocean III: Friendly AI is by far the worst of any RPG i have yet played. Your allies will consistently concentrate their attacks on the most lethal enemies while using their weakest set of attacks. Assinine. More often then not on higher levels they'll end up killing themselves or you.
MOH:RS: Enemy AI sucks. Period. Many a time i became confused as to whom my allies where as the enemies would often "forget" to shoot me or act as though i were some how invisible.
Chrome: WTF. At the begining of the game you start out with the support of a fellow mercenary who is completely without the interest of sharing kills. He will engage enemies at ranges you can't even perceive with your machine gun's scope and kill them. Often times this will leave you to wonder if you have infact even scored a hit on said enemies.