LAN services

mad max

im going to a friends house tomorrow for 2 player LAN. we are both running service pack 2 win xp. any way, what services should be enabled in msconfig.
Uhm... not sure why you'd need to add services or why you'd need to go into msconfig to do it. The most you should have to do is open the ports that the specific game used unless I'm missing your question here... :?
mad max said:
im going to a friends house tomorrow for 2 player LAN. we are both running service pack 2 win xp. any way, what services should be enabled in msconfig.

You should enable the LAN-party Service in msconfig, doh.

More seriously though, since it's a 2 player LAN then you can also consider turning off the firewall for the duration of the part. That of course, if you trust your friends computer...
mad max said:
The most you should have to do is open the ports that the specific game used unless I'm missing your question here...
what does that mean


It means you should start gettin your fingers a' tappin, and start Googling, so you can find out!

"Be curious always, for knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it"
--Sudie Back