Kutaragi Prodigy

randycat99 said:
I never held my breath on that. Apparently you did (and now you are unable to let it go). I got more than reasonable use out of my purchase in the meantime. Perspective

Hey im fine with my PS2 too. ;) well, the graphiX aint as hot as to be, but it be fine playing games on it. My breath is just fine with PS2.

As such, that part was to only prove my earlier brought out point that, KK and his SCEI has proven nothing about their dreamy dreams. Game consoles yes, dreamy dreams...hMmmM...be fair for one to doubt all his hohohah talk.

Heya, what more, never have i be looking for PS3 to be a wonder all in one machine. Just a simple game console, with online/offline gaming and if luck is there, internet browsing and BR playback. Nothing revolutionary. And certainly i have major doubts about Sony, its Cell and dreamy dreams applications. :oops:
"Sony Computer Entertainment Inc today made public <u>plans</u> to stage the PlayStation 2 as the hub for Internet-based distribution of digital content by the year 2001"
"plans" not "it's going to be" ... the article was from 1999, so they planed 2 years in advance, that's a lot time and there are a lot unpredictable variables, like: the customers, the broadband market/availability, etc ... in fact now it's 2003 and this console-online-business is still not the killer application, best example X-Box Live: ~6% of the userbase and the service unprofitable. IMHO Sony was smart not to force it into the market and there by not to join the money-bleeding-club.
Yeay "plans". Lotsa "plans" with the mighty FLOPPY CELL and what not, yeay say? ;) :oops: ;)

Once again, aint it fair for me to have doubts about Sony's impendeing world conquest "plans"?
Sorry. Too much KK worshipping around.

if you implying that the only open minded person in this this dicussion is you then I'm afraid you've crossed the lin ebetween sharing ideas into a btching contest.

sorry bud, the difference and difficulties between plain old dvd playback and online whachababa crap is way too big for me.

did I suggest that they were the same? if you read my post what I was trying to get at is the trend to pushe media inegration is similar, and that the method of deliverly is transparent inclusion down product lines.

it's a good strategy that benefits consumers and functionnal integratoin i the long term. MS do it , Sony do it tihs is besides the idea I am tyring to communicate to you.

and not, im not kidding. at least MS did not go crap on Xbox online whacababa. no big promise on crazy revolutions whatever. will Xb2/3/4 be a home server? possible, yes, no. Thats for the future. BUT the fact still stands that they didnt rocket dreamy dreams skyhigh and Xbox still hype as/sold as a game console. very much unlike KK stuff, hype as something BIG, yet sold as yet anothr game console.

not once did I alude to the pss match of PR between the 2 companies Chap.

so give credit when its due man...

you sure you don't mean give credit to hose whom you think it's due? please point out where I've not given credit where it was brought up.
Since this topic is on KK + SCEI hohohaha, i like to add this lil interesting tidbit. ;)

Thats right. Contary to Sony fannys insistance that PS2 = Toy Story was a misquote, seems like they DID make that comment. As usual, Sony and their hohhohaha. :oops:

___"The Sony unit seeks more than dominant market share in the video game console market with the chip, company officials said. "We take aim at the stranglehold on the chip/operating system market enjoyed by the Intel-Microsoft alliance," an executive said. He added that major battles will shift from spreadsheets, e-mail or other business-related areas to home entertainment systems fusing games, movies and music.

___"The new microprocessor will allow users to handle nearly 50 times more 3-D image data compared with Sega Enterprises Ltd.'s (7964) Dreamcast game console. It will also let users produce game characters comparable in image quality to Walt Disney's Toy Story.

Interesting reply from Pixar

From: Larry Gritz (lg@pixar.com)
Subject: Re: Playstation 2 and "Toy Story"

View this article only
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.rendering.renderman
Date: 1999/03/07

In article &lt;7brimj$15t$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>, &lt;lmurata@my-dejanews.com> wrote:
>I'm not sure that this is the appropriate newsgroup to post, but anyway I
>have a question to ask. It's about what Sony Corp. recently claimed in their
>announcement about the next-generation Playstation. They claimed their next
>generation console would do "Toy Story" quality animation in real-time.
Presumably they mean Toy Story quality rendering?
That just says to me that they have no idea what went into rendering
Toy Story.
-- lg
Larry Gritz Pixar Animation Studios
lg@pixar.com Richmond, CA


AND Paul, did you like, registered a new nick at GA? ...solving Thermal issue with Cell.. :LOL: :oops: :LOL:
Coincident that this Tokyo guy knows BlackFriar = Vince. Nice co-op play guys.

And we thought chappers and DMGA was bad, GA has their own dynamic duo... :oops:
is this still up?
the "Battle of optimism VS pessimism based on SPECULATION".... :rolleyes:

Chap, maybe u were to busy doing your homework, but prior to the Xbox release, a PR man of MS (YES because MS does PR too u see) did an interview (on TV) and he was going on about:
"Picture the PS2, it can do 75 millions polygons per second :rolleyes: , which is around the amount used in Toy Story... well, our new console, the Xbox, can do 250 million polygons :rolleyes: , so imagine what can be done with it..."

i mean..... now THAT deserves a big :rolleyes:

still, i must say, u made me laugh and go "you're right chap!" twice already today, there must be something wrong here ;)

oh, and just to clarify, you don't "do stuff like IQ in hardware" because you don't "do" IQ. IQ is. it's not DONE. ;)

i must say, reading your "exchange of opinions", Phil and Chap, i think most would be in the position of saying "he could say the same thing" for most of your "facts".

Like Sony being in a better position "just because it will". or MS "having better graphics because it will"... see what i mean...

The more i read Tokyo's post, the more crazy it becomes! :LOL: From the same old Blue Gene reply to the insistance of Cell-tacular to the PSP pricing and read only BR, even DMGA bashing, oh how bout pointing out Patent Figure 6...and mass production maddness or the KK worshipping! more i tell yaeay more! :LOL:

Same style, same language, same points, same feverism, same clueless "standard" replies, same images.....where have i read all those before... :LOL: :idea: Not just here or there, but another place too!

Geez peeps, whats with the obession of trying to be more than you really are... :?

Doncha know true substance will shine over muddy waters, no matter how you disgused it. If you have it, you have it. Trying to have it will never make you a real deal. If anything, it be more obvious to 3rd party reader...

And heck, IP logging is like hur-hur. :?
huh? whats that all about now?
talking about other boards?
Chap... u KNOW Beyond3d is the only board u should visit, right... :D
london-boy said:
i mean..... now THAT deserves a big :rolleyes:


Relax londony. Just wanted to point out that Toy Story IS a Sony thing and not a misquote. Thats that. Not another pissmatch between PS2 graphiX hype vs Xbox graphiX hype. Just pointing out a topic that has been in limbo for some time. One less point to argue from now.

And yeay, your above mentioned Xbox interview sucks too.
please DO NOT bring any external threads here thank you.

PS: is there ome sort of flame war going on that I don't know about?
london-boy said:
huh? whats that all about now?
talking about other boards?
Chap... u KNOW Beyond3d is the only board u should visit, right... :D

didnt want to. But posers/wannabes really gets to me ... :?
seriously please stop doing all that. be true to yourself. :)
notAFanB said:
please DO NOT bring any external threads here thank you.

PS: is there ome sort of flame war going on that I don't know about?

there is no flame war, just a clarification.
chaphack said:
didnt want to. But posers/wannabes really gets to me ... :?
seriously please stop doing all that. be true to yourself. :)

what's with the Mariah Carey "if u believe u can make it happen" theme now????

chap u're giving me a headache :LOL:

let's just stay on topic ok? ;)
Last point of OT,

if you wanna talk-worship Sony + Cell, than just do that. BUT don be pretending to be some knowledgeable tech dude, involved in the creation process(lives Tokyo works for Toshiba researching Set-Top box thermal issues.. :rolleyes: ) . It just make people in the know cringe badly. For your sake and others. Thanks. :)

Back to topic.
chaphack said:
Last point of OT,

if you wanna talk-worship Sony + Cell, than just do that. BUT don be pretending to be some knowledgeable tech dude, involved in the creation process(lives Tokyo works for Toshiba researching Set-Top box thermal issues.. :rolleyes: ) . It just make people in the know cringe badly. For your sake and others. Thanks. :)

Back to topic.

i must have missed something cause for me that was arab. as in, didn't understand ANY of it.

anyway..... thread is dead.... :D

speculation-driven threads can only push it so far...
Back from a ridiculously busy week...

That article really made me take a step back and think. My idea of CELL has always been a highly modularized, scalar processor, but this is a whole other level of thinking. I'm glad someone is this ambitious, but at the same time I'm pretty sceptical. Of course, given his past record, I'd say he has a pretty good shot at realizing his dream. Hmm...I'll have to do more research and think this one through before I say anything else.


The more i read Tokyo's post, the more crazy it becomes! From the same old Blue Gene reply to the insistance of Cell-tacular to the PSP pricing and read only BR, even DMGA bashing, oh how bout pointing out Patent Figure 6...and mass production maddness or the KK worshipping! more i tell yaeay more!

Same style, same language, same points, same feverism, same clueless "standard" replies, same images.....where have i read all those before... Not just here or there, but another place too!

Geez peeps, whats with the obession of trying to be more than you really are...

Doncha know true substance will shine over muddy waters, no matter how you disgused it. If you have it, you have it. Trying to have it will never make you a real deal. If anything, it be more obvious to 3rd party reader...

And heck, IP logging is like hur-hur.

I dunno if anyone else noticed this, or maybe I'm just going crazy...is Chap's speech becoming progressively more juvenile? When I first joined B3D, he didn't seem to sound like this. Back then he spoke in complete sentences without the nerd lingo.

Chap, what's the deal here? Is this some reverse-psychology trick to make people take you seriously? It's not working...

And again, talking about how people post in another board :rolleyes:

I wish I had that much free time...

you can scroll up a few posts, there are a few links to what i said. yeay know those few words in light blue colors? :)

is Chap's speech becoming progressively more juvenile? When I first joined B3D, he didn't seem to sound like this. Back then he spoke in complete sentences without the nerd lingo.

Chap, what's the deal here? Is this some reverse-psychology trick to make people take you seriously? It's not working...

And again, talking about how people post in another board

I wish I had that much free time...
my speech is fine. maybe i need to hurry the typing and being less formal. thus makes it a bit messy?

as for the other people thing, i believe it involves a member of this board too. thus credibility comes into question, when you have fanatism reaching a peak when one roleplays a being more than he really is. just to widen our current member insight on things.
chaphack said:
my speech is fine. maybe i need to hurry the typing and being less formal. thus makes it a bit messy?

maybe you should start to think before typing because you're last posts didn't make any sense and seemed to be the result of a profound paranoia.
Stay on topic, and stop hijacking this thread for your who said what to whom in another forum... that's just unnecessary...