kingston or corsair?

any clear differences betwee same types? DDR (pc3200)

other than kingston appears more expensive?

six of one/ half dozen of the other?
Kingston HyperX, Crucial Ballistix, and Corsair are all good DDR memory. There really isn't any difference.
G.skill and OCZ should be added to that list, too.
having used kingstonX, its a overpriced ram.Its great but why$$, it doesnt OC well. As for the Corsair.. same, the basic value is as good as there uber for less. The OcZ and Geil, well it relay depends on the chip its self. For relative high price the OZC is the best of the bunch when getting OC and tight timings. But i use Mushkin, the Basic 3200 has great OC and good timings. There high dollar ram is = to OCZ if not better.. This is all for 1gig sticks in 2gig pairs.
Are there any good reviews of these different rams. I mean the expensive ones are twice the price of the bog standard stuff and for the extra money you could get a a faster CPU or GPU, and I suspect those those would offer a greater improvement is system performance.
there are alot of reviews on RAM. The only reason to buy the high dollar Ram, is for the abillity to OC and still have tight timings. But even then people OC with budget Ram with out heat spreaders. So yes the extra 150$ would be better spent on faster CPU.