Kingdom Under Fire II (360) New Screens


Just passing through quickly, thought I'd post something...

Loved the two games on Xbox - Action RPG RTS.... frankenstein. Bloody tough games, but very well done I thought, playing to the gamepad's strengths for managing the different army groups. The screens look epic. I really enjoyed playing all the different characters and sides.
Actually looking quite nice
One thing lets it down immensely though,
.. the lack of color ..

even the grass in some screens looks brown :)
It's the next-gen filter. ;) :( :p

I played the first X360 game, and it was terrible. How does it compare to the Xbox games?

Circle of Doom was pretty much a complete departure from the previous games in terms of gameplay. The impression I got was that it continued the story from KUF Crusaders, which is too bad for me because I don't want to play it. :(

Ninety-Nine Nights was the closest this gen, but that game was a few steps back in terms of pretty much everything... even the A.I. was complete garbage by comparison. IIRC, those devs collaborated with the ones who worked on KUF, so I'm not entirely sure what went wrong.

The Xbox games had you in control of one or more groups of troops. As you progressed through the game, you could build up your army with more troops and/or different types of troops as well as upgrade their equipment. It can be quite tactical at times and timing is very important, especially when coordinating your own cavalry, archers, siege weapons and the sort. The fun ones are the engineers laying traps and you luring the enemies into them or setting the forest on fire. :D

In battle, you take control of the one main character in a hack and slash type of play. There are some spells you can equip/use as well with two sub-character helpers. The tough part was that it was impossible to heal your troops mid-level until you got a character with a healing spell later on in the game. Even then... some of the levels had you up against lots of high level troops/dragons/siege weapons etc that just wear out your troops.

Some of the levels are cool like that because there'll be other allied NPC troops fighting alongside you. Pretty epic.

The difficulty increases fairly steadily as well... it's not often when you actually feel uber powerful. The main fault may simply be trial and error, figuring out what the best way to deploy troops mid-level will be. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too difficult. :p

mmm... I can't recall off hand if The Crusaders or Heroes are backwards compatible... The korean voice actors could be pretty intense in some of the dialogue. hehe